Skyward Sword HD: Who Ghirahim Really Is | Screen Rant

When Link first encounters Ghirahim in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD, the hero is hopelessly outmatched, though the villain's true identity won't be revealed until later. The confident and hyper-theatrical Ghirahim taunts Link and, to add injury to insult, repeatedly catches Link's attacks. While Link is able to best him at the end of this encounter, likely do to Ghirahim's gross underestimation of his skill, his vanishing leaves a lingering question behind: who is Ghirahim?

[WARNING: Spoilers ahead for The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD]

Lord Ghirahim, as he likes to be called, is an incredibly powerful demon with a hubris that few could match. Ghirahim often boasts about his "exquisite" and "stunning" appearance and plays the part of a sadistic nobleman. When Link finds Ghirahim in Skyward Sword's Skyview Temple dungeon, the demon remarks that it was uncivil to have not introduced himself to Link sooner but then throws civility to the side in order to taunt Link.

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He likes to toy with his opponents and belittle them, but when Link proves to be a capable adversary time and time again, Ghirahim's façade begins to crumble. In reality, Ghirahim is an erratic and unpredictable entity who is only interested in satisfying his strong "appetite for bloodshed" and the revival of his master, Demise. However, it isn't until Demise's return that the true identity of Ghirahim is revealed.

Link and Ghirahim's final battle at the Sealed Grounds occurs after Ghirahim successfully abducts Zelda and brings her to the past. Her soul is required to unseal Demise and once again, Link arrives to put a stop to it. Now fed up with their continued interactions throughout Skyward Sword, Ghirahim finally decides to embrace his true form in hopes of finally killing Link - that form being Demise's Sword.

Like Demise and the Goddess Hylia, Ghirahim is the dark counterpart to Fi, the spirit of the Master Sword. He is incredibly strong in this form but is erratic and uncontrolled which allows Link to best him yet again. Even after Demise wields Ghirahim in his sword form, the two are no match for Skyward Sword's Link, who defeats Demise and seals both demons within the Master Sword.

Though Ghirahim isn't a series staple in the same way Ganon or Vaati is, he made a huge impression. His cockiness and power feels reminiscent of Majora, but his desires and eccentricities are entirely his own. While The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD (and its original version) may represent one of the more divisive entries in the series, the choice to have an overconfident and erratic foil to the Master Sword is a fun and unique concept that will hopefully make a return in future games.

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July 26, 2021 at 12:48AM

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