Schitt's Creek: 5 Ways Johnny Is A Good Business Owner (& 5 Ways He's Not)

Schitt's Creek doesn't exactly show many examples of business savviness. The town seems to only have one restaurant in Cafe Tropical and one discount fancy clothes shop in the Blouse Barn. That said, main character Johnny Rose is presented as being successful in business.

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Johnny successfully ran his own video rental store, Rose Video, which helped build the Rose's family wealth and empire, but he lost everything. Johnny displays both good and bad traits for the business world, from his unstoppable work ethic to his need to be in control.

10 Good: Unstoppable Work Ethic

Johnny is arguably the only member of the Rose family that doesn't want to immediately give up and wallow in their new reality and life in Schitt's Creek. He immediately starts thinking up ways the family can live in their new circumstances and is willing to work to get the Roses back on top.

Johnny has an admirable work ethic, as it would be difficult for anyone to adjust to this new life, let alone attempt to jump right back into the business world like he tries to do.

9 Bad: Doesn't Pay Attention To Finances

The pilot episode of Schitt's Creek sees the Rose family losing everything because Johnny was betrayed by his financial advisors and partners. Although it's not clear, most likely, if Johnny had been paying closer attention to his finances, he would have realized something was wrong and might have been able to stop it.

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Johnny, along with his entire family, lost all of their assets and Johnny lost any business world influence he had gained over the years since he didn't pay attention to his and Rose Video's finances.

8 Good: Great At Brainstorming Ideas

Johnny might have some ideas that are dated, like Rose Video and trying to revitalize the motel industry, but he still has a lot of big plans and coming up with ideas is half the battle in business.

Some of his ideas aren't great, like planning to buy and resell illegal raw milk or throwing around an idea for a new bagel shop that Bob tries to work on, but at least he's brainstorming and willing to try and fail with his ideas.

7 Bad: Stuck In The Past

Although Johnny is good at brainstorming new ideas, he tends to go toward what he's most comfortable with, which can potentially hurt his business prospects. He focuses on dated ideas, like holding onto his Rose Video family and wanting to focus on motels.

While the motel business plan is different and he wants to take a new approach, which could work, it still seems like he's stuck in the past and is laughed off during his first presentation. Though things work out for Johnny in the end, with the nostalgic and home feeling of the new motels, it arguably wasn't the best business approach.

6 Good: Excels At Franchising

Although some of Johnny's business plans might be stuck in the past, he's proven again and again that he's a master of franchising and building recognizable brands. He did it before with Rose Video, which seemed like it was on a similar level to the real-life Blockbuster video rental in terms of its recognition and success at its peak.

Johnny also was working toward doing the same thing with the Rosebud Motel by expanding into multiple boutique locations, which is a great strategy that he has had past success with.

5 Bad: Wants Control And Gets Frustrated Easily

Johnny has a tireless work ethic, but he also quickly gets frustrated and that sometimes tries his patience in both his personal and work life. Johnny tends to believe that he knows best and when someone does something that he perceives as wrong, he immediately starts yelling.

Johnny would most likely rather have control of every situation so he can make sure things are done right, which might mean he would be a bit of a micromanager of his employees. Johnny tries to control how David should act in an interview for a job, in one of their worst father-son moments, and is endlessly frustrated when David doesn't listen.

4 Good: Not Afraid To Put Himself Out There

Although Johnny might not bring the best or most polished ideas to the table, he's always willing to try and isn't afraid to put himself out there for judgment.

Johnny might not have the same business connections he had before moving to Schitt's Creek, but he's still able to find people to hear his pitches, here and there. He prepared tirelessly to pitch the motel franchise idea to possible investors, and it eventually works out because Johnny put himself out there and convinced Stevie and Roland to do the same.

3 Bad: Not Tech-Savvy

One thing that never fully made sense about Johnny is that he isn't technologically savvy at all and yet he's portrayed as a successful modern-day business leader.

Although he could probably get away with not being very tech-savvy when he was running Rose Video, it would be difficult for Johnny to truly get back into the corporate world without learning some technology, which would take a while, and he's behind as it is.

2 Good: Cares For His Employees

It's clear that Johnny genuinely cared for anyone and everyone who worked for him, as seen in some of his most emotional quotes, and that there was a good work environment for his employees. Patrick mentions that his first job was at a Rose Video and that he enjoyed the work, which is a testament to Johnny's leadership skills.

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The audience sees this care firsthand, as Johnny joins Stevie on the Rosebud Motel adventure and the two share several heartfelt moments as friends and co-workers.

1 Bad: Doesn't Have A Strong Network

It's referenced throughout the series that Johnny had possibly built a decent network of fellow business leaders, but he lost his connections when he lost everything and had to move to Schitt's Creek with his family.

There's an episode where Johnny and Moira run into old friends and Johnny accuses the two of cutting all contact with the Rose family after they lost all of their assets. Presumably, Johnny has lost all of his business connections and would need to rebuild everything before jumping into a new business endeavor and it's difficult to be successful in the business world without the proper connections.

NEXT: 5 Times Johnny Was A Huge Freeloader (& 5 He Was Super Generous)
July 01, 2021 at 12:00AM

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