Peacock's limited series loosely titled Joe Exotic has hired William Fichter to replace Dennis Quaid for the role of Rick Kirkham. The series, adapted from the Wondery podcast of the same name, follows the story of Joe "Exotic" Schriebvogel and Carole Baskin popularized in Netflix's true-crime series Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness. The story centers around big cat enthusiast Baskin and her initial attempt to take down Exotic's breeding and zoo operation. The rivalry escalates to expose Baskin's dark past and Exotic's unwavering mission to take her down.
According to Variety, Fichtner has been cast to replace Quaid for the role of Kirkham, an American journalist who was the producer for Exotic's "Tiger King" reality show. NBCUniversal announced that Quaid had to step away due to a scheduling conflict. Kirkham joins series leads Kate McKinnon as Baskin and John Cameron Mitchell as Exotic. Brian Van Holt, Sam Keeley, and Natt Wolff also make up the current acting roster.
Fletcher has an extensive list of TV and film roles including Prison Break, Contact and Armageddon, so he seems like a solid pick for the stoic role. Based on Kirkham's interviews in the Netflix documentary, he started out as an impartial figure in Exotic's story who was looking to make reality TV gold out of his unconventional life. However, as he learned of Exotic's sinister side, he spoke openly about his experience at the Greater Wynnewood Exotic Animal Park and served as a de facto narrator in the Netflix series.
The Joe Exotic series will be written and produced by Etan Frankel. Little details have been released about the limited series, but more information is sure to come leading up to the impending premiere. Considering Tiger King was one of Netflix's biggest hits in 2020, another studio taking a stab at a series adaptation isn't too surprising. And considering the far-out story, viewers are likely to keep tuning into the Joe Exotic story.
Source: Variety
July 03, 2021 at 12:44AM