Harry Potter: 10 Best Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor Memes That Are Too Funny

Teaching and studying at Hogwarts can be a true challenge at times. Even if one doesn't have to repeatedly face lord Voldemort, like Harry Potter and his friends did, they still have to get through all the exams and tests. One of the more challenging subjects, for both teachers and students, is the Defense Against the Dark Arts, also known as DADA.

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As the readers and viewers learned, the position of the professor of this subject seems to be cursed, and during Harry's studies, each year saw a new teacher taking on the subject. Fans were also quick to notice this and find it hilarious, which has resulted in a lot of funny memes about DADA.

10 The Most Badass Teacher

Crossovers of various fandoms are popular among fans, but they rarely ever happen in the source material. So when the fans want to have one, they usually need to create it themselves. Daniel Morrison decided to join together Harry Potter and DC Comics in this meme.

And it sounds like a good idea, considering John Constantine has extensive magical knowledge and he's accustomed to fighting demons. John's certainly more capable than other wizards who taught at Hogwarts (such as Lockhart), so if he ever grew bored of traveling with the Legends, he could always look for a new gig.

9 It's All About Harry

If there's one thing Harry Potter can do well, he can attract trouble. Harry's studies at Hogwarts were far from peaceful and this meme, posted on Quick Meme, suggests that it was Harry's presence that caused the teachers to leave after just one year.

The truth is that Harry certainly had a hand in some of their departures - for example, if he hadn't fought Lockhart, who knows whether the incapable teacher wouldn't have stayed at Hogwarts longer.

8 Dumbledore Is Ready

Preparing for a new school year at Hogwarts can be a challenge. Of course, the story is told from Harry's point of view so the readers never witness the trouble Dumbledore has in finding new professors who would teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts.

In this meme. posted on Quick Meme, Dumbledore looks rather annoyed by the notion he will have to look for a new professor once again.

7 How The Hiring Process Works

Speaking of Dumbledore hiring new professors, some fans of the books and films were quick to point out his hiring process probably isn't the best. If it was, Dumbledore never would have let Gilderoy Lockhart teach such an important subject.

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Maybe Dumbledore doesn't bother to check the professors' credentials, as this meme posted on Ah See It suggests. One reason could be that Dumbledore knows that if he was picky, he never would have found someone in the first place.

6 How It Really Happened

Another thing that doesn't make much sense about how the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is chosen is that more Hogwarts teachers didn't influence the decision. One could expect that at least McGonagall would have a saying in the matter.

But as this meme posted by goodecat69 suggests, Dumbledore was the only one who could make that choice. Maybe he had a reason for this, as the one time Dumbledore followed someone else's suggestion, it didn't end well for him at all since Snape killed him.

5 A Tough Subject

Not everyone is gifted when it comes to the Defense Against the Dark Arts and it doesn't help if the professor teaching the subject turns out to be unusually strict.

Since Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings are two separate universes, they never crossed paths. But if Gandalf ever taughtat Hogwarts, it's possible it would be highly difficult for his students to pass the subject, as this meme posted by cheezburger suggests.

4 A Different Reaction

Of course, even the worst professors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts had students who liked them and enjoyed their classes. Despite her intelligence, Hermione was still fooled by Gilderoy Lockhart (just like Mrs. Weasley) and she had a bit of a crush on him.

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That didn't sit well with Harry and Ron, who were even more annoyed with Lockhart as a result, as this meme posted by PWB reminds everyone who saw the film.

3 Harry Has A Point

The option to study at Hogwarts is something many fans would be grateful for, but as this meme posted by Katie Creech suggests, it's not all that great.

Harry has a point when he talks to Dolores Umbridge and mentions that all four previous professors of the Defense Against the Dark Arts endangered his life. And as fans all know, Umbridge herself wasn't much better in this area.

2 Worse Than Umbridge

Many fans would argue that nobody is worse than Umbridge. However, this meme, posted on Sizzle, might make them reconsider this opinion.

In a crossover between two British popular fandoms, Harry Potter and Doctor Who, Dumbledore has decided to hire a Dalek as the new professor. While it's true that the Daleks have an effective defense system, they would be more likely to exterminate the students than to actually help them learn.

1 How It Should Have Ended


Throughout the series, Voldemort tried repeatedly to kill Harry and it never worked out well for him. But the one thing Voldemort never tried was to pose as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

It's unlikely this strategy would work, but at least it would ensure some hilarious moments, as this meme, posted on Esmemes, proves. Voldemort with a fake mustache is a picture that many fans would no doubt laugh at.

NEXT: 10 Brilliant Memes About The Wizarding World
July 06, 2021 at 12:00AM

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