Warning! Spoilers for The Immortal Hulk #47 by Marvel Comics below.
In a new battle against the Avengers, Hulk nearly killed one of his former allies, as he almost suffocated Thor with one of his most disgusting attacks to date. In The Immortal Hulk #47, the Avengers are called into action to stop the Hulk's rampage, but when they try to stop him, the God of Thunder is just about put down for good.
The Hulk and Thor are two of Marvel's strongest heroes, whose pure strength and power are largely unrivaled among their Avengers teammates. When the pair have sparred in the past, wins came from both sides - although, the Hulk is usually the victor. In their latest battle, the Avengers are alerted by Alpha Flight's Henry Gyrich, whose plans to kill the Hulk permanently have failed. The Avengers believe they're trying to stop a raging, uncontrollable Hulk when in reality, he just fought back in defense against the U-Foes. Thinking the Jade Giant is intentionally causing destruction in Manhattan, the Avengers attack.
In The Immortal Hulk #47 by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, Ruy Jose, Paul Mounts, Belardino Brabo, and Cory Petit, the Hulk (with Harpy by his side) fights all of the Avengers at the same time. Thor becomes angry and issues a devastating strike at the Hulk, as Mjolnir and the green monster's hand collide. Thor keeps swinging at his opponent until the Hulk splits open his arm like tentacles and covers the God of Thunder's face. After closing it, Thor is embedded in Hulk's arm. Captain America pleads with the Jade Giant that his teammate can't breathe.
The Hulk appears fully willing to kill Thor by suffocating him in his arm. However, Black Panther uses his powered-up claws to slice through the Hulk, cutting off his arm. T'Challa immediately helps remove Thor's head from the Hulk's discarded limb and tells his fellow Avenger to breathe. Meanwhile, Hulk's arm grows back and the fight continues until the gamma mutates are teleported away.
While the Hulk kept up with the Avengers, he clearly didn't want to fight them. However, under the orders of Gyrich, the superteam believed Hulk's rage couldn't be controlled and tried to stop him. Thor was particularly aggressive in his pursuit of the Hulk and it nearly cost him his life as he almost suffocated after being literally trapped in the former Avengers' arm. Thankfully, Black Panther sliced off his arm and freed Thor before he breathed his last breath. The Immortal Hulk #47 is in stores now.
June 05, 2021 at 12:11AM