The 100: 10 Biggest Secrets The Characters Kept | ScreenRant

Secrets can cause huge problems, and on The 100, that remains true. Sometimes, secrets are kept to save lives, and other times they are kept because no one can bear to talk about their devastating actions. Survival may be the most important thing to everyone, but sometimes to do that, those with power make choices in privacy for reasons no one else learns until it is too late to do anything about it. For example, Jake Griffin wanting to reveal the truth about the Ark's oxygen levels, got him floated, and Clarke sent to solitary.

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Nearly every main character has done something secretive for some reason. Clarke, Octavia, Abby, and others have held huge secrets from others for different reasons. No matter how many secrets everyone kept over the years, some were still bigger or had a larger impact than others.

10 Abby, Jaha, And Kane: The Ark's Oxygen Is Depleting

The information that got Jake Griffin floated was that he knew that the Ark was running low on oxygen. The Council knew of this, and even after Jake's death, the public was not aware. Abby, Jaha, and Kane had kept this secret from the rest of the Ark, wishing to come up with ways to keep the human race alive for a little longer.

To help solve the problem, the three decided to send the 100 delinquents to the ground, thus buying the Ark more time. It also doubled as a way to know if Earth is survivable. That decision was also a secret from the general public.

9 Lincoln: Speaks English

At first, Lincoln doesn't speak much. He saves Octavia but doesn't actually talk to her in English. Even as Bellamy, Clarke, and Raven torture Lincoln for information about an antidote to heal Finn's poisoned wound, he still doesn't speak and instead points to the correct bottle.

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Later on, Lincoln speaks to the group in English to prepare them for peace talks with the Grounders. As the delinquents meet more of the Grounders, they discover others know English as well, including Indra, Roan, Echo, Emori, and Lexa.

8 Blake Family: Octavia Existed

For years, Bellamy, Aurora, and Octavia kept Octavia's life a secret. Aurora learned when random checks would occur so she would know in advance when to hide Octavia. She would hide under the floor so that no one would see her. When Bellamy grew up, he became a guard who helped keep his sister a secret.

Unfortunately, Octavia had spent years in hiding and had wished to see beyond their family's apartment. Bellamy's decision to let her show up to an event wearing a mask gave Octavia the chance to get out of the room, but all failed when they needed to do an inspection, and Octavia's identity was revealed.

7 The Primes: Body-Snatchers

Sanctum seems to be a peaceful place, so of course, something would be very problematic about it. But, as it turns out, there is more to worry about than the Red Sun. The leaders of Sanctum, the Primes, are actually body-snatchers.

Their ritual that the Sanctum residents believe in so much is a scam to give the Primes new bodies to continue living. Clarke experiences this first hand when Russell steals her body for Josephine.

6 Wells: The Truth About Why Jake Died

Clarke hated Wells because she believed that he sold out her father to Jaha and caused his death. But that was only because Wells let her think that. Instead, Wells was keeping a much sadder secret. Abby had been the one to turn in Jake about his plans to go public.

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Wells kept that from Clarke because he did not want Clarke to hate her mother and would rather she hate him. Although Clarke does eventually discover the truth, Wells dies shortly after, never giving them the chance to return to their friendship.

5 Raven And Finn: Spacewalker

From the beginning, the audience is made to believe that Finn Collins was responsible for losing the Ark months of oxygen. To a degree, that is true. But, what no one else knew was that there was more to the story. Finn gave Raven the chance to spacewalk after Raven believed she would not be a Zero-G Mechanic.

But, their adventure has unforeseen consequences when they could not close the door, and Raven's spacewalk causes the Ark to lose oxygen. To protect Raven, who was already 18 and would have been floated, Finn took the blame. He told Raven to run and put on the suit to make it look like Finn had acted alone and was sent to the Skybox.

4 Bellamy: Shot Jaha

To get on the Dropship to Earth, Bellamy had to shoot Jaha. He keeps this a secret for a while before eventually telling Clarke and Octavia the truth but, he doesn't know Jaha survived the bullet wound until Raven tells him.

Once he knows, Bellamy is prepared to run away because he believes the Council will execute him when they come down. Clarke and Bellamy later team up to get Bellamy pardoned for his actions in exchange for revealing who wanted Jaha dead.

3 Echo: Her Birth Name

Since she was introduced, everyone always knew her as Echo. But, in season 6, Echo reveals that it was never her given name. Instead, Echo's birth name had been Ash. Echo tells this story during "Ashes to Ashes."

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She later tells Niylah about this while they sit in the Second Dawn Bunker on Earth during season 7. Echo had taken over the real Echo's identity and became a spy for Azgeda. Unfortunately, she never got to tell Bellamy the truth before he died.

2 Octavia And The Bunker: The Dark Year

It is clear from the moment Bellamy and Clarke enter the bunker that there is something severely wrong. Although the fighting pits are revealed early enough, it isn't until episode 11 that flashbacks to The Dark Year are shown.

The episode revealed the truth about how things in the Bunker reached their lowest point and Abby's true role in how things spiraled out of control. The truth had been kept from the others and the audience up until that point. Even if there had been hints or theories, nothing had been confirmed until then.

1 Clarke: The Flame

When Clarke and her friends reach Bardo searching for Bellamy, Octavia, and Echo, they realize a hazardous situation is at hand. Cadogan wants the Flame, believing Clarke has it because Levitt never got further than ALIE in Octavia's memories.

Clarke knows that the last person to have the Flame was Madi, and even though the Flame was broken and Clarke and Gaia had buried it, she still protected Madi by never admitting she did not have the Flame. Clarke's friends kept the secret with her, making sure never to reveal the truth to Cadogan. Only when Bellamy returns from Etherea does he reveal Clarke's secret to Cadogan.

NEXT: 10 Stormiest Relationships From The 100
June 30, 2021 at 12:00AM

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