Dennis Quaid has been cast in the limited series loosely titled Joe Exotic. The Peacock series is based on the Wondery podcast of the same name, which revolves around Carole Baskin. Baskin entered a rooted and intense battle with Joe 'Exotic' Schreibvogel after determined to close down his business venture when she learns that he is using big cats for his financial gain. The rivalry reveals Baskin's hypocrisy as a big cat enthusiast against Schreibvogel's animal-loving nature. The show will be written and produced by Etan Frankel, who is known for Friday Night Lights and Shameless.
Deadline has now reported that Quaid has signed on to Joe Exotic and will be playing Rick Kirkham, who is Joe Exotic's reality show producer. Quaid is an Emmy Award-nominated actor for The Special Relationship and has appeared in movies such as The Right Stuff, Far From Heaven, and Footloose. He will next be seen as President Ronald Reagan in the upcoming film Reagan, expected to be released in 2022. Quaid joins John Cameron Mitchell as Joe 'Exotic' Schreibvogel and Kate McKinnon as Carole Baskin, as well as Brian Van Holt, Nat Wolff, and Sam Keeley.
Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin has since become major figures and focus points due to the popularity of Netflix's true-crime documentary series Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness. With the documentary proving to be one of Netflix's top hits last year, future adaptations are not unexpected. More information about the limited series is sure to come, but the lead-up to the premiere of Joe Exotic will likely have high anticipation, and it will be interesting to see what Quaid brings to the show with his character.
Source: Deadline
June 05, 2021 at 12:18AM