Family Guy: 10 Best Animal Characters, Ranked By Likability

Family Guy is stuffed with incredible supporting characters and a good number of them are animals, both wild and domesticated. The lines between humans and animals are blurred in the long-running animated sitcom and speech and intelligence aren't only reserved for the Homosapien species.

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Brian Griffin is the most well-known animal character on the show, thanks to him being a member of the Griffin family. But other animals keep popping up from time to time. While some have a good relationship with the Griffins, others bring nothing but havoc. A couple of non-human characters have stood out so far.

10 Ernie The Giant Chicken

Ernie's penchant for violence is quite clear. All the giant bird does is fight with Peter. He often shows up out of nowhere, leading to drawn-out fights with the lead character. Though Peter always wins, the fights always lead to environmental destruction and a couple of human casualties.

Their feud stems from the time Ernie gave Peter an expired coupon. Unfortunately for Peter, Ernie is the kind of enemy that doesn't stay dead and every time Peter thinks he has killed him, Ernie wakes up and walks off, living to fight another day.

9 Pouncy

After watching HGTV home shows, Peter decides to renovate his house by adding more doors. While doing so, a stray cat named Pouncy sneaks into the house. Peter is impressed by the fact that Pouncy can talk, so he adopts him.

But everything isn't as it seems with the cat. Brian is suspicious of Pouncy, believing that he is evil, but no one believes him at first. Meg even develops a liking for Pouncy. Things appear to be going well until Brian discovers that Pouncy plans to convert Meg into a cat lady using toxoplasmosis. Pouncy's plans are then thwarted by Quagmire and Brian.

8 Benjamin

While taking shelter during a tornado, Peter discovers a methamphetamine lab. With his family's finances in a bad place, he decides to use it and go full Walter White by manufacturing meth. Like Walter, his plan is to only make methamphetamine until he has enough money to sustain his family. To avoid getting caught, he employs a pigeon named Benjamin to distribute the meth and pick up the money.

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Sadly, Benjamin becomes greedy. When one of the customers gives him too much money, he flies away with it and goes jet skiing and the family thus incurs heavy losses.

7 Meowsy McDermott

Peter suffers a stroke after eating 30 hamburgers in one sitting at McBurgertown. Despite it being his fault, tries to sue the restaurant chain. His lawyer? A cat named Meowsy McDermott. The feline lawyer talks smart but is unable to deliver, hence Peter loses his case against McBurgertown.

Meowsy's tendency to only take up unwinnable cases is seen once again when Stewie sues Connie for refusing to have sex with him. Despite Meowsy promising glory, the case goes south.

6 The Evil Monkey

In the early seasons, The Evil Monkey chooses Chris' closet as his home and he keeps tormenting the young member of the Griffin family. Since other family members haven't seen him, they keep laughing off the idea that there is a monkey in the house.

But when the Griffins are away, the monkey will play. The Evil Monkey is occasionally seen having fun around the house whenever the Griffins have stepped out. He also makes a habit of pooping inside Chris' closet. He starts being more likable later in the series when he and Chris become friends and it's revealed that he only became evil after he caught his wife in bed with another monkey.

5 Billy Finn

The friendly dolphin helps Peter recover a hood ornament from the ocean after a news report of a sinking cargo. The incident makes them friends, with Billy deciding to follow Peter to dry land and discover life out of water.

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Billy has an incredible sense of humor, but Peter becomes bothered when he overstays his welcome. When Peter suggests to Billy that he move back to the sea, he suggests getting another ornament to be allowed to stay. Peter soon discovers that Billy doesn't want to go back because he is estranged from his ex-wife, Joanne. He thus reunites the couple, making Billy return to his natural habitat.

4 New Brian

When Peter begins to feel that Brian is getting too old, he adopts a new pet to replace him. The family calls him New Brian and his personality quickly makes him a family favorite. He is also musical, as he enjoys doing karaoke with Lois and can also write songs. He plays the flute for the family every morning and helps Chris with his homework.

Feeling he is not needed anymore, Brian becomes jealous and opts to move out. He moves in with Cleveland before settling for Quagmire. Eager to bring Brian back, Stewie kills New Brian then dumps his body in the garbage. Not willing to live without a dog, the family accepts "Old" Brian back.

3 Jasper

Brian's fun-loving cousin is friendly and nice. He helps Brian achieve his dreams of being a director by linking him with some "big-timers" in Hollywood. A member of the LGBTQ+ community, Brian also has a partner named Ricardo, who he loves very much.

When Mayor Adam West outlaws gay marriage, Brian goes out of his way to overturn the ban and make sure Jasper and Ricardo have their big day. Brian's close relationship with Jasper is seen once again when the Griffin family dog walks his cousin down the aisle and hands him over to Ricardo.

2 Vinny

Unable to live without a dog after Brian's death, the Griffins purchase Vinny at Quahog Pets. Vinny is apparently 1/16th cat, which means the Griffins get two pets in one. He can talk too and often appears nice, though Stewie doesn't like him.

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Stewie comes to accept Vinny when he realizes he lost his previous owner. Vinny is also instrumental in getting back Brian, as he helps Stewie distract his former self so as to steal a return pad and go back in time. When Stewie goes back in time, events are changed and Brian is brought back. But this means that the Griffins never meet Vinny and he thus ceases to exist.

1 Brian Griffin

The good-hearted white Labrador has lived with the Griffins since the start of the series. He used to be a stray but his fortunes change when Peter picks him up and gives him shelter.

Brian often comes off as cool, thanks to him being smart. Not only can he walk bipedally but he can also drive a car. As for speaking, he is not only well versed in English, but also French, Tagalog, and Spanish too. It has been revealed that he is a member of MENSA, testifying to his IQ status. Brian is forgiving too, as he has forgiven the Griffins for many bad things they have done to him, including replacing him.

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June 01, 2021 at 05:30AM

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