New Girl: The 10 Saddest Episodes In The Whole Series

As a single-camera comedy, New Girl is, of course, filled with light-hearted silliness, but time and time again, the show has proven itself to be so much more. The series managed to deliver so many emotional moments and episodes to fans through the central characters, whether they be to do with romantic heartbreak, death, or simple endings.

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The series deals with a good amount of heartbreak through deaths, as well as the likes of Cece and Schmidt or Nick and Jess's relationships which play into where the sadness in the show comes from the endings.

10 'A Father's Love'

Nick's relationship with his father is touched on numerous times throughout the show, with the two not being very close and his dad being a bit flaky and unreliable, kind of like Schmidt's, except a lot more conniving with ulterior motives.

We first meet him in 'A Father's Love', and immediately Nick is suspicious of his surprise arrival. He ends up pretty much conning Jess out of some money and a horse, and when he leaves at the end of the episode without telling Nick, it is pretty heartbreaking, not because Nick is hurt, but because he is so used to stuff like that he is not even fazed.

9 'Five Stars For Beezus'

At the time of the season 6 finale's release, many people believed it would be the end of the show. It certainly was made in a way that made it seem like the end, albeit arguably rushed.

That is where all the sadness stems from. It definitely feels like a goodbye to the characters as we know them. Jess and Nick get back together with a kiss in the elevator, and Cece and Schmidt get news that they are pregnant. It is extremely emotional, and even in hindsight, this is the end of the road for the characters as we don't see them for around five years.

8 'Where The Road Goes'

The final season of New Girl reveals a major death in the show, showing the funeral of Winston's beloved cat Furguson the year after the pet passed.

The episode showing his funeral has a lot of laughs, but when it comes down to it, the episode revolves around Winston coming to truly accept that Furguson is gone. At the end of the episode, Winston does let Furguson go and finds a new cat to find the void, but that does not take away from how bad audiences feel for Winston.

7 'Wedding Eve'

Schmidt and Cece's wedding is undoubtedly an emotional episode and event, with the fan-favorite couple finally agreeing to be together forever. The episode preceding this, though, was bittersweet.

Excitement was obviously high as everyone waited for the wedding and played True American. But as Jess tried to avoid what she thought was a proposal from Sam, the episode became more emotional. Sam ended up dumping Jess, who has to accept she was in love with Nick; on top of that, Cece is in tears because her mom will not be at her wedding.

6 'Mars Landing'

Speaking of Jess and Nick, way back in season 3, the pair were together, but as is the case with most relationships in the show, especially in the early seasons, they do not last.

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The main story of 'Mars Landing' revolves around a hungover Nick and Jess arguing about their future together after a night of True American. At the end of the episode, the two decide they should call it quits, realizing they have nothing in common but their love for one another, and they share a long hug, an emotional moment for any fan of the couple.

5 'Chicago'

Going back to Nick and his family, 'Chicago' signified the first big death for one of the main gang, as Nick's father, as mentioned earlier, passed away, calling Nick to his funeral in his home state of Chicago.

The episode is sad for the obvious reason that Nick has lost his father. But on top of that, fans have to see Nick bottle up a lot of his feelings as he acts as the stable one in his household, doing his part to plan the funeral. Luckily the characters brought some light-heartedness to the situation by celebrating Nick's dad's life, but it is sad nonetheless.

4 'Injured'

'Injured' is a pretty wild early episode of New Girl, which comes out of nowhere as emotional, even tear-jerking at points throughout the episode.

Nick finds out he could potentially have cancer, and from there, the whole gang is worried. The entire beach sequence in which Nick has a bit of a meltdown and the group chills looking over the ocean is great and emotional. Nick obviously ended up not having cancer, but his mental and emotional rollercoaster throughout the episode is one fans join him on.

3 'Clean Break'

For the fourth season of the show, Coach came back as a series regular but had a short-lived stint, leaving once again at the very end of the season in 'Clean Break.'

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The episode revolves around Coach's move and how he does not want to stay attached to the loft or the past and needs a clean break to start his life in New York. Of course, the gang's persistence changes his mind about a completely clean break, and we see he is genuinely upset about leaving, as were a lot of fans.

2 'Double Date'

Cece and Schmidt was quite the saga throughout New Girl, with Ross and Rachel levels of highs and lows. Undoubtedly the lowest point for the characters in terms of their relationship came in 'Double Date.'

After failing to choose between Cece and Elizabeth, breaking up with neither, and cheating on both, Schmidt finally got overwhelmed. Jess forced Schmidt's hand, and he told Cece the truth in the middle of a restaurant where they had planned on eating. It is a heartbreaking scene; even with the heinous stuff he was doing, audiences felt bad for Schmidt, and everyone's heart broke for Cece.

1 'Engram Pattersky'

Many people have issues with New Girl's set in the future seventh season, but that does not change the fact that the finale, the true series finale, is an emotional one.

'Engram Pattersky' sees the loft get packed up and left for good as the gang walks down memory lane and plays a final round of True American, which blends into a flash-forward to a game of True American played with Jess and Nick's kids. Even when the whole eviction is shown to be an elaborate Winston prank, Jess and Nick still decide to move, marking the end of their time in the loft and of the series, which is always a hard watch for fans.

NEXT: New Girl - 10 Unsolved Thins Fans Still Want To Know
April 28, 2021 at 05:30AM

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