DCEU: 8 Plot Twists That Everyone Saw Coming | ScreenRant

From Star Wars to the DCEU, fans love a good plot twist. The excitement of finding out all along that something that seemed to be meaningless was actually very important all along. Some can be surprising while others can be obvious, and even if the plot twist is obvious, it doesn't mean it is a bad twist, it can just take some of the enjoyment out of it when fans can see it coming.

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Some of the DCEU movies featured 'twists' that were basically guaranteed, such as Batman V Superman, a movie that was more about the story of their rivalry than the plot twist of them actually teaming up at the end, but fans knew that the two greatest heroes were going to join forces at some point. This is far from the only predictable plot twist in this universe, though.

8 Superman & Batman Teaming Up

When it was announced that arguably the two biggest household named superheroes, Batman and Superman, were going to be facing off in their own movie, it was clear that this was going to be a huge event. That being said, with the likelihood of a Justice League movie in the works at WB it was fairly obvious that the two heroes were going to team up.

Doomsday was also featured in the trailer of the movie, but even if the villain wasn't, the twist would still have been predictable. With Lex Luthor also in the mix, it was incredibly apparent that the two had to work together to defeat a common enemy.

7 Superman's Revival

Superman's death in Batman V Superman was certainly heroic as he flew towards Doomsday with the kryptonite spear. However, for many fans it had very little weight to it as it was obvious that Superman was going to return in some way.

With the Justice League movie on the horizon, and the history of his return from the dead in the comics, the twist of Superman dying had many fans nonplussed. Clearly, this wasn't going to be the end for Superman, so the only real question was how he would come back.

6 Diana Losing Steve

Fans first saw the photo of Diana and Steve during the war in Batman V Superman, so when the two met in the film, there was always a lingering question of how the two would be separated.

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One possibility was that Steve died of old age, but the other was, given that the movie took place during the war, Steve would die in battle. The death scene was incredibly moving, and the plot twist was not so obvious that it was an unenjoyable scene, but fans knew it had to happen in some way.

5 Ares In Wonder Woman

When a high-profile actor is cast in any movie, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that they will be playing a significant role. When David Thewlis was cast as Sir Patrick Morgan, fans knew they could expect a decent-sized role for him.

Throughout the movie, the character had little more than a few speeches, so as the film went on, it became more apparent that he was likely going to end up being the main third-act villain. And with the story Diana's mother told her earlier in the movie, it didn't take long for fans to piece the two together.

4 Diana Losing Steve Again

In Wonder Woman 1984, Steve Trevor returns thanks to the Dreamstone but the chances of Chris Pine sticking around for more than this one movie were very slim. Diana also had to go through some kind of loss at the end to add that extra layer of emotion.

Fans also knew that the Dreamstone had to be destroyed and likely, Steve Trevor with it. Therefore,  Steve returning was a nice moment for Diana but fans could tell it wouldn't last.

3 Martian Manhunter In Zack Snyder's Justice League

This obvious plot twist was due to the announcement that Harry Lennix's General Swanwick was in fact Martian Manhunter all along. The way Zack Snyder's Justice League presented the transformation from General Swanwick to Martian Manhunter, fans could tell it should have been a great reveal.

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Sadly, this reveal was a victim of the delayed release of Zack Snyder's full Justice League story and by the time the movie was available for fans to watch, Zack had already announced the casting of Martian Manhunter.

2 Orm's Connection To Black Manta

When it was brought to light that there was a feud between Orm and Arthur Curry, it didn't take fans long to connect the dots that one of the movie antagonists was connected to the other, in this case, Black Manta.

This is not to say that the plot twist was a bad one, but the classic "evil man hires other evil person to kill his heroic brother" doesn't take a genius to figure out.

1 Diana Is The God Killer

In Wonder Woman in one of the flashback scenes, Diana asks to see the godkiller, and provides the description as "a weapon strong enough to kill a god". This description's vagueness in referring to the godkiller as "a weapon" and not specifically "a sword" was fans' first hint that the godkiller was something more.

Also the way Hippolyta looked at Diana as she asked about it was another clue that Diana was the godkiller instead of the sword in front of her.

NEXT: 10 Most Mind-Blowing Plot Twists In Video Game History, Ranked
April 28, 2021 at 05:30AM

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