Why X-Men Fans Should Be Voting For Forge In The Marvel Election

In recent issues of Marvel Comics' and Jonathan Hickman's X-Men, Jean Grey and Cyclops have decided to reboot the group, as there hadn't been an official team since the creation of the mutant nation of Krakoa. In the aftermath of the X of Swords summer event, Jean and Scott are looking to change that, creating a group of heroes that can operate on behalf of the people, as opposed to being under the control of Krakoa's governing body known as the Quiet Council. This new X-Men will be able to operate independently, righting wrongs that they encounter and defending Karkoa from all sorts of threats.

In the same vein of wanting to be a team that's of and for the people, Scott and Jean have decided to literally let the people decide who will be on the new team themselves, holding the first annual X-Men election and asking Krakoa to make nominations and cast their votes, with the new team being announced at the upcoming Hellfire Gala. While this is a pretty cool and new dynamic for creating a new mutant team in the comics, Marvel has gone a step further, asking fans to vote online for the team's final member, giving them the choice one of 10 candidates: Armor, Banshee, Boom-Boom, Cannonball, Forge, Marrow, Polaris, Strong Guy, Sunspot, and Tempo.

Related: X-Men Fans Campaign For Favorites As Character Vote Begins

While all of these candidates would more than likely be capable and valuable assets to the new X-Men team, Forge is by far the best choice, as his powers (both mutant and otherwise) would absolutely amplify any team by an extreme amount. While he has been on other teams in a support role in past comics, being on the new flagship team would provide him the means to be much more proactive, which could only help Krakoa going forward. Forge is the clear and most inventive candidate, and here's some of the reasons why.

Forge is what's known as technopath, meaning that his mutant power allows him to create vastly sophisticated and powerful technology and weaponry. While other inventors have to work out the designs prior to construction with tests and principal constructions, Forge's ideas for new tech and gadgets come fully formed in his head, and he's able to create them with a rapid speed for a variety of different needs. In the past, Forge has been on support crews, and even helped create large portions of Krakoa's infrastructure. However, it can't be overstated how invaluable he would be as a proactive teammate in the field. His mutant power would allow him to create helpful tech solutions on the fly, adapting to scenarios as they come. He'd no doubt provide a strong amount of firepower to the team as well being able to boost their overall rates of success on missions, no matter who else is on the team.

It should also be noted that Forge has been trained in the mystic arts by a shaman in his Cheyenne tribe in his earlier years. While he's very reluctant to use said magical power, it could come in handy if the situation was dire enough. Regardless, it does provide an additional power set that Forge would be bringing to the table if he is indeed elected.

It's also important to remember that Forge has been around a bit longer than some of the other candidates, with his first appearance being in 1984's X-Men #184. During that time, Forge has fostered quite a few relationships with previous members of the X-Men, as well as key leaders of the Quiet Council such as Charles Xavier and Mystique. If tensions arise between this new team and Krakoa's governing body (and there no doubt will be), Forge could be an excellent mediator between the two groups. Likewise, he could also operate as a strong point of contact between the X-Men and the U.S government if needed, considering he used to work for the Defense Department.

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Forge also carries with him a deep connection with Storm, as the pair were at one point romantically involved in past X-Men comics. While Storm did decline his marriage proposal years prior, they still have a healthy relationship, and Storm would more than likely vouch for his candidacy. She might have even supported his nomination in the first place.

While there is a rather large black mark in Forge's past, he's actually just recently redeemed himself and made things right in Marauders #10, from writer Gerry Duggan with art by Stefano Caselli. When Forge was still working for the Defense Department, he had created a device that could neutralize superhuman powers, which was needed to fight off the Dire Wraiths that were invading Earth at the time. However, certain members of the government coopted the device to use against mutants, which lead to Storm losing her powers - which is what led to their romance as Forge worked to restore them.

While Forge destroyed all files and designs of the technology when he left the Defense Department, the Russians kidnapped a scientist who was a part of Forge's team in the past who had a photographic memory, forcing him to recreate the dangerous device. As such, Forge joined Storm, Ice Man, Emma Frost and more mutants on a mission to destroy the technology, save the scientist, and wipe his brain so he couldn't build the harmful tech ever again. As such, Forge's greatest mistake has just been corrected, and his willingness to make things right is a sign of his moral character, further proving that he would be an ideal member of the new X-Men team.

When it's all said and done, a vote for Forge is a vote for success and an inventive future for the X-Men. Forge is the clear choice to make, as his value arguably exceeds those of his fellow candidates. He's also built a strong moral center within himself that has been cultivated over time as the result of experience with the X-Men themselves. Vote Forge.

This article has been an unpaid endorsement and reflects the express opinions of an independent party.

More: Why [SPOILER] Is Leading the #XMenVote
February 01, 2021 at 05:29AM

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