Top 10 Movies From The ‘90s On Hulu, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes

The '90s was such a groundbreaking decade for movies. There are so many films from the era that do unique and interesting things, often to the point of pulling off stuff that had never been seen on the big screen before. Just think about flicks like Toy StoryJurassic Park, and The Matrix.

RELATED: Top 10 Movies From The ‘80s On Hulu To Watch, Ranked According To Rotten Tomatoes

While those movies aren't available on Hulu, the streaming service does offer up some of the best releases from the decade. That's especially true when looking at the strong ratings given to these films on Rotten Tomatoes. Hulu's selection includes sci-fi franchises, Oscar contenders, and wild action flicks.

10 Grosse Point Blank (80%)

There aren't many actors who define the '80s more than John Cusack. He was kind of everywhere back then and his star continued to be prominent into the '90s. It was in 1997 that he played the lead in one of his best films ever, Grosse Point Blank. This was a fun amalgamation of various genres from comedy to romance to crime drama.

The story follows Martin Q. Blank (Cusack), an assassin who comes back to his hometown for a high school reunion. Grosse Point Blank was praised for its cool concept, sharp script, and ensemble cast that also included Minnie Drive and Dan Akroyd.

9 The Rainmaker (82%)

Several films are tied with an 82% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and they have been ranked by the total number of reviews. The Rainmaker clocks in third of those three movies. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola and based on John Grisham's novel of the same name, it was one of the best legal dramas of the era.

1997's The Rainmaker puts the focus on a young lawyer (Matt Damon) who works with a paralegal (Danny DeVito) to take on a corrupt insurance company. For some, this was the true breakout of Damon before Good Will Hunting as his performance and those around him were all praised.

8 Eve's Bayou (82%)

These days, Jurnee Smollett is a hot commodity in Hollywood. She shined in things like Birds of PreyFriday Night Lights, and Lovecraft Country. However, it seems like a lot of audience members forget that she has been fantastic since she was young.

At barely 10 years of age, Smollett starred in 1997's Eve's Bayou. The film focuses on the secrets of a family in Louisiana, mostly through the eyes of young Eve. In 2018, the film was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.

7 Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (82%)

It should be noted that the Star Trek film franchise is one of the most beloved in history. Even the entries that are considered lesser are still usually liked. The '80s saw the second, third, and fourth films tell a wonderful story before the fifth entry was panned.

RELATED: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country - 10 Things That Make No Sense

Thankfully, The Undiscovered Country worked as a rebound for the series in 1991. Acting as a sequel to the films and the television series, this installment involves a high conspiracy and some mystery. It worked as a remarkable send-off for the crew from the original set of films.

6 Affliction (84%)

Paul Schrader is one of the most acclaimed writers in Hollywood, having helped to pen classics such as Taxi Driver and Raging Bull. He got behind the camera for some tremendous flicks as well and one of the best is 1997's Affliction, a drama based on a novel of the same name.

Affliction was heavily praised for a few aspects but the standouts had to be the performances. Nick Nolte and James Coburn stole the show, with the former nominated for an Oscar and the latter winning one. The film is about a police officer who becomes obsessed with a fatal hunting accident.

5 Waking Ned Devine (84%)

Also known simply as Waking Ned, this is the second of two films tied with an 84% rating, getting the edge due to having 11 more reviews in total. Released in 1998, this comedy was written and directed by Kirk Jones and became a box office success while also garnering award acclaim.

In fact, David Kelly won a Screen Actors Guild Award for his performance. Waking Ned Devine focuses on a man who wins the lottery but dies before claiming it. His small town comes together to trick the claim inspector into believing that Devine is still alive so they can split the money.

4 Face/Off (92%)

There might not be a more over the top action movie than Face/Off. Almost everything about it is peak '90s from the absurd scenes to the overacting to the wacky plot. The 1997 film follows an FBI agent and a terrorist who get surgery to steal the other's physical appearance.

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Does the science of it make sense? Nope, but that's okay because of how committed John Travolta and Nicolas Cage are to the roles. Plus, with John Woo behind it allFace/Off features some of the wildest action put on the screen during the decade. This was also a blockbuster hit, raking in $245.7 million.

3 Boogie Nights (93%)

One of the most respected directors in Hollywood is Paul Thomas Anderson and that's still the case to this day. He has helmed greats like There Will Be BloodMagnolia, and The Master, just to name a few. For many, his best work is still 1997's Boogie Nights.

The beloved flick follows a young man (Mark Wahlberg) who becomes a star in the adult film industry during its boom in the 1970s, all the way through his struggles into the 1980s. Boogie Nights was nominated for three Academy Awards and saw the supporting cast boosted by Burt Reynolds, Julianne Moore, Don Cheadle, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Heather Graham, and more.

2 The Last Of The Mohicans (94%)

Some movies just feel like they're going to be epic before you even watch them. The Last of the Mohicans fits into that mold. Set way back in 1757, this war drama shines a light on the French and Indian War as three trappers must protect the daughters of a British colonel.

Right off the bat, this film gets love for including Daniel Day-Lewis, who is always fantastic. It might play loose with some of the historical elements but there's a ton of romance, adventure, and drama elements to make this memorable.

1 The Truman Show (95%)

During the '90s, Jim Carrey was basically the ultimate comedy actor. In 1994 alone, he starred in Dumb and DumberThe Mask, and Ace Ventura. However, as the decade wrapped he really started to show that he had dramatic acting chops. His greatest performance came in The Truman Show.

This 1998 film tells a unique story of a man (Carrey) who is unaware that his entire life is part of a reality TV show that is being broadcast around the world. He begins to unravel the secrets behind it all in a film that was both a critical and commercial success.

NEXT: Jim Carrey's Dramatic Roles Ranked (According to Rotten Tomatoes)
February 15, 2021 at 04:30AM

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