Sex And The City: 10 Times Charlotte Said Everything Fans Were Thinking

If Charlotte York-MacDougal-Goldenblatt, (Kristen Davis) mother of Lily and Rose, gallery manager, Smith grad, blue-blooded preppy from Connecticut, horsewoman, dog lover, and all 'round believer in love is your favorite of the four friends, then you should be able to quote her on cue. Throughout the Sex and the City series and two movies, Char, as Anthony used to call her, was the voice of reason, practiced the power of positive thinking, and kept it classy even when she was telling it like is.

RELATED: Sex And The City: Charlotte's 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& 5 Worst)

In fact, there were times when fans could probably finish her sentences because she said the exact thing that was on their minds.

10 Women Sit Around Obsessing...

"...about what went wrong over and over again." Often to the chagrin of friends who, as much as they want to listen and offer helpful advice, people can go into TMI overload, as was the case when Carrie and Big broke up for the umpteen time and the ladies had a lunchtime intervention, suggesting the columnist speak to a professional because they just couldn't take it anymore.

The wise Charlotte finished her quote by pointing out, "and men just say, alrighty." Their feelings summed up on a Post-It note.

9 Negotiate? I Can't Even Buy Stuff On Sale.

Women have come a long way. Glass ceilings have been shattered, C-suite offices are occupied, and now one has been elected to the second-highest office in the United States, but there is still far to go.

Yet, women have long been socialized to accept what's offered--especially in the workplace--and feel grateful to get it. Women don't always learn to say, "That sounds good, but what if..." then list the things she brings to the table are worthy of recognition and a better deal. And if they do, it's often not welcomed. Charlotte experiences this relatable feeling.

8 Well, At Least You Have A Boyfriend.

Even though Charlotte knows it's not really true, she needs to believe, "People do live happily ever after."

RELATED: Sex And The City: 10 Saddest Things About Charlotte

During the course of the show though, she's made it clear that she is more realistic than to think one can go through life as a Disney Princess when she said things like: “Maybe we can be each other’s soulmates. And then we can let men be just these great, nice guys to have fun with.”

7 This Is An Awfully Long Way To Go To Watch Some Firemen Take Their Shirts Off.

The creators of SATC made of point of having Manhattan portrayed as the fifth friend. Carrie & Co. hit all the hot spots as well landmarks, and even the more mundane, yet so New York-y parks and diners, and fans got to live vicariously.

Sure Carrie and Samantha went to Aidan's place upstate, all four ladies vacationed out in the Hamptons, and they placated Miranda by attending a Yankees game in the Bronx (which resulted in Carrie getting a date with the team's newest player), but when they got on The Staten Island Ferry so Carrie could judge a calendar boy contest, Charlotte was not wrong to question why.

6 You're Trying To Pretend We Live In A Classless Society And We Don't.

Who would have thought that the character who lives in the most sheltered "love, marriage, baby carriage" bubble would be the most aware?

Carrie, Samantha, and Miranda all move in pretty impressive New York circles, but they needed Charlotte to point out their privilege and the inequities in society in general. The show was actually chastised for its lack of diversity and insensitivity towards the LBGTQ+ community and other marginalized groups. But in this line Charlotte calls attention to the disparity.

5 Orgasms Don't Send You Valentine's Day Cards.

Charlotte continued with her explanation: "And they don't hold your hand during a sad movie." She was explaining to her three jaded pals, Samantha in particular, that their many casual relationships based on the physical alone are not enough.

Her philosophy: "Well, I think that having it all really means having someone special to share it with." How does she know when she's found the one: "Sometimes you just know, it's like, magic, it's fate. I don't know what it is, I'm strangely drawn to him."

4 I Hate It When You're The Only Single Person At A Dinner Party...

"...and they look at you like you're a..." Loser! Leper! Wh*re! chimed in Carrie, Miranda, and Samantha, respectively. Going anywhere when everyone else has a plus-one can be uncomfortable. Remember when Miranda's male friend returns to the states from London, stays on couch for a few days, falls in love with her decorator after the three go out for drinks, and the red-headed lawyer leaves when she realizes the other two are on the road to getting married?

Being the third or fifth or even seventh wheel, gets one's insecurities going.

3 If I See Christy Turlington I Just Want To Give Up.

The top part of that quote was, "I just know that no matter how good I feel about myself..."

RELATED: Sex and the City: Charlotte's Slow Transformation Over The Years (In Pictures)

Like a lot of woman, Harry's wife is beautiful, accomplished, and well-off, yet can be cowed by someone usually introduced with the title of supermodel. Not irrational, but unwarranted. Just because someone doesn't spend their life in front of a camera or on a red carpet does not mean they're not attractive or should feel not enough. In fact, Charlotte is one of those New York woman who other New York women want to be.

2 It Takes Half The Total Time You Went Out With Someone To Get Over Them.

Charlotte has dating down to a science (“I suggested he have a tomato salad, then I suggested we get married,”) so it's no surprise she threw a little math in their too.

Does her formula ever not work out. Well, after Big left Carrie at the altar, and she finally got out of bed, the bride-to-almost-be wasn't quite the same. Time took extra-long to heal, hence when a pregnant Charlotte was at lunch and saw the errant groom, true to her word, she yelled at him: "I curse the day you were born!"

1 I'm Nice. I'm Pretty And Smart! I'm A Catch!

This sounds like a mantra that one should recite in front of a mirror each morning before leaving the house. Regardless of the fact that Charlotte indeed is nice, pretty, smart, and a catch, she also acknowledges: “I’ve been dating since I was fifteen! I’m exhausted! Where is he?”

Even though it's common knowledge that meeting and getting into a serious relationship isn't always easy, it's hard to believe that all four attractive, interesting and successful women had to kiss so many frogs before they found their Prince Charmings.

NEXT: Sex And The City Revival: 10 Things We Hope To See For Charlotte
February 01, 2021 at 06:30AM

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