Fox is developing the iconic Clue board game into an animated series. Released in 1949 after being developed by Englishman Anthony Pratt, the Clue game has become a household staple. In 1985, Clue's whodunit murder mystery premise was adapted into a feature film, starring Tim Curry, Christopher Lloyd, and Madeline Khan, which quickly became a cult classic. Last year, it was announced that a Clue movie remake starring Ryan Reynolds was in the works. However, the project remains stuck in development. Now, it appears fans of the game will have a fresh chance to figure out if it really was Colonel Mustard in the library with a wrench.
Fox announced that the network is partnering with Hasbro to produce an animated series based on the Clue board game. Reportedly, the reimagining of the detective board game has yet to attach a writer or cast. Speaking on the opportunity to offer a fresh take to the titular game, Fox entertainment president Michael Thorn said, “CLUE is an iconic whodunit property that exudes mystery and intrigue, and has fans all over the world. We can’t wait to share our reimagined animated version with audiences.”
Produced by the detective board game maker Hasbro and Bento Box Entertainment, the forthcoming animated Clue series will further Hasbro's Entertainment One studio's endeavor to bring their line of iconic games to life. Recently, it was announced that Hasbro is developing an adaptation of the classic war game Risk, as well as a live-action take on Dungeons & Dragons. Of course, Clue continues to be a cultural touchstone, and an animated series from Fox could deliver a platform for a new generation to solve the mystery.
Source: Fox
February 12, 2021 at 06:16AM