Twilight: 10 Things Only Book Fans Know About Jacob | ScreenRant

The third wheel to one of the greatest supernatural love triangles of all time, Jacob Black was one of the most polarizing characters in literary history too. The Twilight Saga movies portrayed Jacob's russet skin and flowing locks to perfection, but there was a lot about his nature and even physical features that were different in the books.

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Best known for his unrequited (and then requited) love for Bella Swan, Jacob was a multifaceted character whose personality didn't quite show fully in the movies. Only true Twi-hards who read the books would know these facts about everyone's favorite shapeshifter.

10 He Had Sisters

Two characters who were completely left out of the movies were Jacob's two sisters Rachel and Rebecca. They were twins, and older than him.

In fact, Paul from the Quileute tribe had imprinted on Rachel Black, who had earlier gone to study at Washington State University before returning to La Push. Rebecca lived in Hawaii. The two sisters had raised their younger brother since he was a child but left La Push at the earliest opportunity they could.

9 He Stripped His Clothes Before Phasing

In the movies, while phasing, the wolves transitioned while wearing their clothes. This looked wonderfully dramatic, but made little sense practically, as their clothes would shred to smithereens as they turned.

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This was addressed by Jacob in the books. He used to strip out of his clothes, and tie his pants to his legs or stash them around the woods before he phased. This way, he wouldn't rip up all of his clothes and have something to wear when he phased back to human form.

8 His Mother Died In A Car Accident

Another very important fact of Jacob's life that never made it to the movies was that he had lost his mother, Sarah Black, fairly early on in life. When Jacob was nine years old, his mother had met with an accident which left him in the care of his older twin sisters, since Billy would go out to work the fishing boats.

When Billy fell ill and lost the use of his legs, Jacob was the sole guardian of his father who took care of all his needs. His family dynamic was a rather important detail to leave out of the movies.

7 He Lived As A Full-Time Wolf For A While

Twilight fans know that Bella's decision to be turned into a vampire hurt Jacob greatly, and he saw little difference between death and her fate as a cold one. At the end of Eclipse, he turned and ran away from La Push to deal with his pain. According to Breaking Dawn, he only returned to Forks after two months.

Jacob had lived and fed as a wolf to manage his grief and loss for almost sixty days, if not more, which fans would only know after reading the books.

6 His Attraction To Bella Was Because Of The Imprint

Many opinions cropped up in Twi-hard circles when Jacob ended up imprinting on a baby — and Bella and Edward's half-vampire, half-human baby no less. Many fans found it revolting, and some said it made sense. According to the books, Jacob's strong attraction to Bella was because of his pending imprint on her child all along.

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He was drawn to Bella who would give birth to Renesmee, the object of his imprint, and not to Bella herself. Jacob was supposed to be her guardian and protector at her young age.

5 His Height

Taylor Lautner was almost recast in New Moon because producers thought he was too small for Jacob, who grows a considerable amount prior to and after he started transitioning into a wolf. While Lautner did manage to beef up and become muscular, he couldn't do anything about his 5 feet 9-inch height.

In the books, Jacob grew from 5 feet something to almost 6 feet 7 inches tall while his wolf gene came into action because of his proximity to the Cullens, which was a far cry from the movies.

4 He Healed At Supernatural Speed

A little-explored fact about Ephraim Black's great-grandson was that he healed at an incredible speed, even when he was human. Cuts and bruises disappeared in seconds, and bigger injuries like bone breaks took minutes to heal.

Jacob's super-fast healing actually worked against him in Eclipse when his bones started setting the wrong way in his wolf form, and he had to change back and get his bones rebroken to heal right.

3 He Was Technically Not A Werewolf

In Twilight lore, werewolves were creatures that changed on full moon nights and had no control over their phasing. They also became werewolves after being bitten by another werewolf.  Jacob, by that definition, was not a werewolf but a shapeshifter.

He could phase into a wolf at will and was not dictated by the lunar cycle. He also converted because of a supernatural gene, and not a bite, which made him a shapeshifter, not a werewolf.

2 He Got Around In A VW Rabbit He Rebuilt Himself

Jacob was a very good mechanic, and he rebuilt a vintage Volkswagen Rabbit for himself from spare parts. While a Rabbit made an appearance in New Moon, the movies never mentioned that he built it himself and used it to drive around La Push and Forks.

In the books, Jacob drove everywhere in the Rabbit but in the movies, he mostly ran or used Bella's truck.

1 He Was Alpha In His Pack And Beta In The Uley Pack

Since Jacob was the great-grandson of Ephraim, he was the leader of all the shapeshifters by birthright. However, he had conceded the power to Sam Uley because he did not want the responsibility of being a leader. Consequently, he was Beta in Sam's pack.

When Sam decided to attack the Cullens and Bella when she was pregnant, he reclaimed his power as Alpha, and separated from Sam's pack so they both became Alpha of their respective packs, and lost telepathic communication with each other.

NEXT: Twilight Cast: Where Are They Now?
December 30, 2020 at 04:30AM

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