Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 5 Times The Gang Had Each Other's Backs (& 5 Times They Didn't)

In the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, there is truly nothing more important or powerful than love and friendship. Buffy herself is clearly the most extraordinary slayer in history, but it's safe to say that she never would have become who she is without her friends and family around her.

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The Scooby Gang has a long and storied history of having each other's backs and risking their lives to stick together, but they weren't always on the same page, especially when it came to the biggest and hardest decisions. So when did they have each other's backs, and when didn't they?

10 Did: When Tara's Family Threatened Her

When Willow and Tara first started dating, the Scooby Gang didn't adjust that well or that quickly, and it seemed like Tara really wasn't fitting in with the rest of the group. And when Tara's family showed up in town, it initially seemed to demonstrate the divide between Tara and the rest of the gang even more.

However when they issued threats against Tara, the entire group didn't hesitate to have her back, and they aggressively claimed her as one of their own.

9 Didn't: When Buffy Trusted Spike

To be fair, the rest of the squad had a lot of reasons to mistrust and dislike Spike, but ultimately Buffy was right. Every horrible thing that Spike had done so far was not when he had a soul or when he was in full control of himself, and he could be a really powerful ally to the side of good if everyone just let him.

But instead of trusting Buffy's judgment, Giles tried to eliminate Spike without her knowledge.

8 Did: When Buffy Faced Off Against The First

Defeating the First Evil was no easy task, and everyone in Buffy's circle knew exactly how high the stakes were when it came to this face off.

However, when Buffy came up with the brilliant idea of making every potential slayer into an actual slayer, the whole team backed her up. And when she went into the Hellmouth to smack down the First for good, all of her friends were beside her.

7 Didn't: When Buffy Skipped Town

The Scooby Gang was understandably very hurt and frustrated when Buffy left town without a word after she had to kill Angel.

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But given what actually happened and what Buffy had to do to someone she genuinely loved, it was incredibly unfair how her friends raked her over the coals for her decision to leave when she finally did return.

6 Did: When They Faced Off Against Adam

As time went on, the big bads on Buffy the Vampire Slayer got bigger and badder, and in season 4 it seemed like the Frankenstein monster that the Initiative had created was a foe who was nearly impossible to defeat.

But Buffy has friends who always have her back when her life is in danger, and in order to face off against Frankenstein's monster, they made themselves into their very own super-slayer, literally transferring their consciousness and abilities into Buffy to help her win the fight.

5 Didn't: When Buffy Faced Angelus

Buffy knew that Angel was a vampire from pretty early on in their relationship, but she didn't realize quite what kind of monster was living within him until he lost his soul. The realization that she might have to kill the man she loved to save the world was devastating, but her friends weren't particularly understanding over it, especially after Angelus killed Jenny Calendar.

Xander even foiled a possibility that Buffy could have saved Angel just because he hated him so much, placing his own grudge over Buffy's complete emotional devastation.

4 Did: When Willow Was The Big Bad

Buffy fans were absolutely thrown for a loop when it became clear that the big bad of season 6 was actually a beloved main character, Willow Rosenberg.

The thought that the Scoobies were going to have to face off against and possibly kill Willow was unimaginable, but once again the series proved that their friendship bonds are unbreakable, and Xander was able to talk Willow down from her apocalyptic ledge.

3 Didn't: When Willow Was Going Off The Rails

However, in all fairness, it was kind of the responsibility of the Scooby Gang to save Willow from herself, because she had been on a downward spiral for quite a long time before the rest of her friends were even aware that something was going on.

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It's typical for people who are going off the deep end to do anything they can to hide it, but given how intertwined this friendship group is, it's weird that they didn't notice and intervene sooner.

2 Did: When Buffy Died

Buffy the Vampire Slayer was killing off it's main character long before Game of Thrones made it cool, so Buffy's choice to die in Dawn's stead in season 5 was truly shocking and heartbreaking.

But instead of letting it tear everyone apart, the gang pulled together to both fight against evil and do whatever they could to bring Buffy back to life, even if they unfortunately didn't foresee the negative consequences that would result.

1 Didn't: When Buffy Wanted To Save Dawn No Matter What

When it became clear that Dawn's life would very likely be the price that had to be paid to save the world, Buffy instantly made it clear what side she was on, but it presented an interesting moral quandary to the group that they hadn't faced before.

Killing one of their own to save the world may have been necessary, but the disagreement on how to handle this particular situation nearly tore the Scoobs apart.

NEXT: Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 5 Times We Felt Bad for Riley (And 5 Times We Hated Him)
August 31, 2020 at 05:30AM

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