Hermione Granger Vs. Willow Rosenberg: Which Witch Is More Powerful?

Hermione Granger and Willow Rosenberg share a significant number of similarities. Both women are powerful witches who have fought against evil and the forces of darkness. Hermione is a key member of Harry Potter's Golden Trio, whereas Willow is an integral part of Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Scooby Gang. In addition to their powers, Hermione and Willow are considered far and away the smartest members of their respective groups.

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Their magical abilities differ, but Hermione and Willow have both displayed immense power throughout their respective series.' Both of them are beloved and iconic characters, but which witch is more powerful?

10 Hermione: A Quick Win With The Killing Curse

Hermione has access to a multitude of spells that Willow doesn't, the most effective of which is the Killing Curse. Although Hermione's moral compass would sway her from casting an Unforgivable Curse, she is certainly capable of performing such a dreaded spell.

In a battle to the death against Buffy's Willow Rosenberg, Hermione always has Avada Kedavra at her disposal. She could end the fight quickly and overpower her impressive opponent.

9 Willow: Doesn't Need A Wand

A disadvantage of the magical system in Harry Potter is the characters' reliance on wands. Hermione is proficient in wandless magic, but like other witches and wizards, her spells work better with a wand. Unfortunately for Hermione, Willow doesn't have this problem.

Willow's magic isn't tied to her wand; her magic is equally as powerful without a channeling conduit. If Hermione loses her wand during the battle then Willow could easily capitalize on the opportunity to defeat her enemy.

8 Hermione: Using Magic Isn't Tiring

Willow may not need a wand but, as shown throughout Buffy the Vampire Slayer, using magic eventually drains her. Hermione has the upper hand here. If she can encourage Willow to exhaust her supply of energy then she could manage to outlast the other witch.

Hermione is intelligent as well as powerful. Should she be able to stand her ground against Willow long enough for the other witch's magic to wane then Hermione could emerge victorious from this battle.

7 Willow: More Powerful As Dark Willow

Willow's intelligence shouldn't be underestimated either. The witch is exceedingly smart and has extensive magical knowledge. Thanks to her book-draining moment in Season 6's "Villains," Dark Willow is accomplished with dark magic and one of the most powerful threats in the Buffyverse.

RELATED: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 5 Times We Felt Bad For Willow (& 5 Times We Hated Her)

Dark Willow went toe-to-toe with the Slayer. She would have destroyed the world if it weren't for Xander. If Willow reverts to her evil counterpart mid-battle then Hermione doesn't stand a chance.

6 Hermione: Can Apparate Out Of Harm's Way

Willow displays similar teleportation powers in Buffy's sixth season, but Hermione's Apparition seems much quicker and more useful. The Gryffindor witch could Apparate in and out of the battleground to slowly drain Willow of her magic.

Hermione's Apparition is handy but doesn't guarantee her a win over Willow. As a last resort, Hermione could Apparate to safety at Shell Cottage or the Burrow.

5 Willow: Stronger Magic

Hermione is one of the most proficient spellcasters in Harry Potter, but the magic in Buffy the Vampire Slayer seems stronger. Willow's magic draws from otherworldly occult sources. Her spells have lasting — and often adverse — effects.

If Willow has the time to assemble her spellcasting tools then her magic could overpower Hermione's. Willow performed several complex spells in the series, including resurrecting Buffy and activating the Potential Slayers. Defeating Hermione would be an easy feat in comparison.

4 Hermione: Practical Magic

Willow's magic might be stronger but Hermione's is more practical. The Hogwarts student has a repertoire of handy jinxes at her disposal, such as the Stunning Spell and the Impediment Jinx. Any of these could be a quick solution to bring Willow down.

RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Ways Hermione Got Worse And Worse

Many of Willow's stronger spells require ritualistic preparation and plenty of ingredients from the Magic Box. With Willow caught off-guard, Hermione's spells are more useful in combat.

3 Willow: Capable Of Killing

Hermione is a powerful opponent but she has never killed anybody, unlike Willow. Driven by grief, Dark Willow savagely slaughtered Warren Mears in season 6 of Buffy. Although she later shows remorse for this, Willow still proved that she is capable of doing something Hermione isn't.

If Willow's evil counterpart comes out to play during battle then there is no doubt that she would be capable of killing her opponent. Hermione may hold back, unwilling to kill another person.

2 Hermione: Brightest Witch Of Her Age

There's a reason why Sirius Black dubs Hermione "the brightest witch of [her] age." Hermione studies hard throughout the Harry Potter series and frequently saves the day with her knowledge. She is one of the strongest characters in the series, capable of fighting against her enemies.

Willow would have a tough time defeating Hermione in combat. The Hogwarts witch is exceptionally talented and one of the most powerful witches in the Harry Potter universe.

1 Willow: Most Powerful Member Of The Scoobies

Hermione might be the brightest witch of her age, but Buffy herself recognizes Willow as the strongest member of the Scoobies in season 7. Willow is instrumental in defeating the First Evil and continues to grow in power in the succeeding Buffy comics.

Willow and Hermione are both lauded as the smartest and strongest members of their respective friendship groups. Both witches are immensely powerful. Though Willow's dark alter-ego gives her an advantage, the magical skill of both women makes this hypothetical clash impossible to predict.

NEXT: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: 10 Things About Willow That Would Never Fly Today
June 30, 2020 at 05:30AM

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