Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Star-Lord

Peter Quill aka Star-Lord has been a popular character in the MCU ever since he first appeared in Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 1. As a Celestial-Human hybrid who was sired by an evil alien father, he has been living in space ever since he was eight.

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Quill became an outlaw in space and was eventually arrested. During his prison stint he became close and together, they formed the Guardians Of The Galaxy. A number of things about Star-Lord don't make sense in the MCU and here are some of them.

10 The Origin Of The Fake Orb

Star-Lord is good at coming up with last-minute solutions but sometimes these solutions make audiences exclaim: "Wait a minute! How did that happen?" For example, when he survives the effects of the Infinity Stone and deals with Ronan, the stone is left in the orb.

The Ravagers and Yondu try to take the orb but Star-Lord switches it with a fake one. Where did he get it? Who made it? Had he been hiding it all along? How did he anticipate that there would be a need for it? It also looked a bit different from the original but Yondu didn't even notice the difference.

9 Spider-Man Was No Match For Him

During the confrontation between the Avengers and the Guardians in Avengers: Infinity War Star-Lord managed to incapacitate Spider-Man. He also proved elusive for Iron-Man. Impressive feat but how did he manage to do this at a moment when he was weaker.

At that point, Star-Lord didn't have his Celestial powers. Spider-Man was also wearing the Iron high-tech armor that Tony Stark built for him. Spider-Man also has a track record of slipping away and hitting when the enemy didn't expect it, so its a surprise that Star-Lord had an easy time with him.

8 He Forgot The Name Earth

Despite having lived on Earth during his earlier years, Star-Lord had no idea what Earth was in Avengers: Infinity War. During the scene where the Guardians fought the Avengers, Iron Man wanted to know if Star-Lord was from Earth after he mentioned Jesus.

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Star-Lord gave a strange response, saying he was from Missouri, not Earth. Star-Lord was used to referring to Earth using its scientific name “Terra.” But it was weird for him to remember the name Missouri and not Earth since the latter is quite shorter.

7 Mastery Of Alien Languages

Most aliens are known to converse in local dialects, so how does Star-Lord understand them? He only knows English. Or does he only happen to encounter aliens that speak English? And would this mean that all aliens speak English?

It would be odd for alien life to pick one earthly language and agree that it'll be the single and only form of communication. If this isn't the case, then Star-Lord must have mastered all alien languages. How he did that is another mystery.

6 Attacking Thanos

After he had proved elusive for a while, the Guardians and some of the Avengers managed to get Thanos under the control of Mantis in Infinity War. They then attempted to take the gauntlet before he could use it to make his evil vision a reality. They almost did it but then Star-Lord learned what the villain had done to Gamora to get hold of the Soul Stone.

He was understandably angry but instead of waiting just a few more seconds for the gauntlet to be pulled off, he launched himself at the villain and began punching him. This caused Mantis to lose the control she had over Thanos, causing him to regain his power as well as the gauntlet. Why would he let his personal feelings get the best of him when the fate of the universe was at stake?

5 The Tracking Device

Where did he learn that? It's a tough question that audiences have to ask themselves every time Star-Lord shows his engineering skills. It's also a question that has never been answered. He's always able to build something new or rebuild something that seemed useless.

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At one point, he managed to re-engineer an '80s Mattel football game into a tracking device in space. Tracking devices need satellites but since the only satellites that exist orbit around the earth, which one did his device use to function?

4 The Tape Deck

Another one of Star-Lord's engineering feats. Star-Lord engineered a tape deck in the space ship because he is obsessed with music. But it doesn't add up. Given that he left Earth as an eight-year-old, how did he get the knowledge to do this? Most importantly, where did he get the materials?

Does he intend to play the same music for thousands of years? Or does he intend to tour earth sometime soon to purchase the latest songs? If he does that, he'll find that there are no tapes anymore. The whole idea of the tape deck is fun but several things just don't add up.

3 Knowing Earth References But Not Knowing Alien References

Star-Lord was 37-years-old during the events of Infinity War. He left earth when he was eight, meaning he has spent more time in outer space. Interestingly, he is always making references to earth. He knows about David Hasselhof, Flash Gordon, and famous painters.

However, he never makes any references to space. Is earth the only interesting place in the universe? Are there no good things in other planets to talk about?

2 He Never Returned To Earth

Star-Lord left earth, not out of his own free will, but as a victim of abduction by the Ravagers. Any person who breaks free from abductors will feel the need to return home at some point. Surprisingly, Star-Lord was fine with just being in space with aliens.

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He had all the resources needed to come back to earth, including his own ship. He was a leader too so no one would have objected to that. But despite having grandparents and relatives on Earth, he never even thought of just touring briefly to catch up with them.

1 His Leadership

Star-Lord often comes off as too much of a joker to be a leader. He makes fun of life-threatening situations and often puts the lives of the other Guardians in danger. It's thus a bit surprising that they have always been content with having him at the helm.

It feels like Gamora could be a better leader than Star-Lord. She is the daughter of a mad villain so she knows how to deal with people like him. She is also more focussed than the rest of the crew. She should have been voted in as the new leader at some point.

NEXT: The 10 Most Important MCU Moments In Star-Lord & Gamora's Relationship
June 26, 2020 at 05:30AM

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