Captain America: The ONLY Hero Deadpool Actually Respects

Deadpool is Marvel's resident Merc with the Mouth. Captain America is Marvel's Super Soldier and Sentinel of Liberty. While they both exist within the same shared Marvel Universe, these two characters could not be more different. With specific focus to Wade Wilson, Deadpool's entire personality is one that seems like it would be completely the opposite of one that Steve Rogers could ever vibe with. However, being the true hero with a noble heart that he is, even Cap has found value in Wade, and Steve is likewise the only hero that Deadpool actually has respect for. Read on to learn more about their relationship that certainly seems like in shouldn't exist in the first place.

Right off the bat, it should be noted that Deadpool has grown a lot since his creation by writer Rob Liefeld back in 1991. The Deadpool fans see today is much more of an anti-hero with morals that lean more often to heroic actions as opposed to more negative persuasions these days. It's for this reason that Deadpool is able to team up with characters like Spider-Man (who's Wade's perceived BFF), or Captain America, without said characters refusing to work with him and have the relationships that they currently do. This isn't to say that Deadpool has watered down his personality over the years. He's still as annoying, irreverent, and slightly insane as he's ever been. However, Captain America seems to be the only other Marvel hero that Wade holds in high esteem and respect. Why? Because Steve Rogers is Wade Wilson's personal hero.

Related: Deadpool Can Throw Captain America's Shield Just as Well

As succinctly shown by Deadpool #31 back in 2017 by writer Gerry Dugan with art from Matteo Lolli, Wade recounts his relationship with Captain America, revealing that he idolized Cap ever since he was a child, before joining the Weapon X Program and becoming the mercenary fans know him to be today. He also shows the time that they first met, with Deadpool saying that he first fought him because he was too nervous to tell him what a fan he was. Believing the saying that you should never meet your heroes, he tried to kill his. However, he goes on to share the pivotal point in their relationship, which was when Wade teamed up with Cap and Wolverine to dismantle a North Korean Super Soldier Program and death camp. The mission was very personal to Wade, as the death camp was also holding his family hostage. When he failed to save them, Cap helped him stay sane, which is another large piece to why Wade carries a lot of respect for Steve Rogers. Not too long after that, Captain America asked Wade to join his Avengers Unity Squad, as Rogers needed a replacement for Wolverine after his death. Wade agreed, becoming a resource to Cap, especially for under the radar missions that required a trigger man.

However, their relationship has not been without its ups and downs. Things became rough after distrust between members forced Cap to dismantle the Unity Squad. Furthermore, when Captain America's past was cosmically changed by Red Skull, he became an agent for Hydra. Cap ordered Wade to kill Agent Coulson, who had begun to discover and unravel the conspiracy behind the newly sinister Rogers. Wade, seeing no reason to ever doubt his hero, followed Cap's orders to the letter. Wade would then go on to essentially be Cap's hired gun for Hydra, killing other heroes as well, wanting to please his childhood hero and friend.

After it was revealed that Rogers was Hydra, Deadpool carried several regrets for all the heroes that he had murdered and determined to erase several of his memories, including his time with the Avengers and relationship with Captain America, the good and the bad caused by the Secret Empire Cap. As of right now, Cap and Deadpool no longer have a connection, thanks to the deleted memories, but who knows? Perhaps Cap might soon reach out to Wade, and try to reignite their relationship. At the very least, a team-up issue would be in order. For now, it seems as though fans will have to wait and see.

More: Deadpool Just Made Captain 'America's Ass' Official Canon
June 28, 2020 at 04:52AM

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