MCU: 10 Things About Marvel Cosmic The MCU Has Yet To Reveal

At one time, James Gunn was supposed to oversee the entire Marvel Cosmic Universe for the MCU but things changed. Gunn left Marvel and moved on to DCEU where he directed the upcoming Suicide Squad sequel. However, Gunn and Marvel made up and he is back now for Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 3.

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What this means for Gunn and the Marvel Cosmic Universe remains unknown, but with The Eternals coming up soon, there looks to be a lot more to the Marvel characters from outer space to explore. Here is a look at 10 things about Marvel Cosmic the MCU has yet to officially introduce.


There was an Easter egg that James Gunn added to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 that hinted at Adam Warlock. It was from the post-credits where Ayesha had a cocoon and said she would call it Adam.

However, the real Adam Warlock has yet to appear in the MCU. The perfect time could have been in Infinity War since he played a large part in the comics, but he has still yet to appear.


Just like Adam Warlock, James Gunn set the table just perfect for the introduction of the Marvel superhero Nova. The Nova Corps played a large part in the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and while there were many Nova Corps members, one specific member remained absent — Richard Rider, the Earthling who joined the group.

However, the best place for the MCU to introduce the character of Nova would be with Sam Alexander, the young child who inherited the powers and could be part of the Young Avengers.


Galactus has made an appearance in movies once already, but that was in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, the Fox movie that was already rebooted once before the franchise finally made its way back to Marvel.

In that iteration, he remained hidden in the clouds and never made a real appearance. In the MCU, Galactus could finally show up in all his purple glory and that could also introduce the next name on this list as well.


One highlight of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer was the design and look of Silver Surfer. Doug Jones was the motion capture actor who portrayed the Surfer and it would be a great move if Marvel brought back Jones in the role in the future.

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Whether or not Surfer shows up as the herald of Galactus or encounters heroes in another MCU Cosmic movie, Silver Surfer might be the best character the MCU has yet to introduce.


Chaos King is the Marvel Cosmic villain that led the Chaos War crossover storyline in Marvel Comics. His real name is Amatsu-Mikaboshi and is pulled from Japanese mythology.

He is an enemy of the Gods, connected to both Thor and Hercules, and with those considered aliens in the MCU, he could show up in a few different properties if the MCU wants to introduce him to movie fans during its expansion into the cosmic universe.


Rumors have broke that Mistress Death is coming to the MCU. This could happen as early as Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Mistress Death represents the embodiment of death in the Marvel Universe.

She was also the catalyst for the Infinity War that Thanos raged in the comics since he was doing it to prove his love for her. How she appears in the MCU could be interesting, as she would be the first of the abstract Marvel Cosmic entities movie fans could get to see.


If Mistress Death goes over well with movie fans, the biggest abstract Marvel Cosmic entities could come next. These are the most powerful beings in the entire universe and hold the entire balance of worlds in their hands.

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The main cosmic entities that Marvel could introduce in one way or another are Eternity, Living Tribunal, and Infinity. Eternity is the supreme being, Tribunal is the judge who ensures all cosmic laws are obeyed, and Infinity is the counterpart of Eternity.


The Watchers have been introduced in a funny post-credit scene in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, as Stan Lee was seen sitting and telling them his stories before they all turned and walked away.

However, Uatu, the Watcher, is someone that Marvel could introduce, especially after they start the new Fantastic Four movies. Uatu is the being that records Earth's story to keep a record of all the events that have ever happened.


When the Fantastic Four comes to the MCU, the movies also need to introduce The Negative Zone. It was Reed Richards who created a way to get to the dimension and within that dimension are a lot of evil characters.

The idea of Annihilus being one of the next big bads for the MCU is intriguing but he can't show up without the Negative Zone being introduced. Hopefully, the MCU does a better job than Fox did in 2015.


When Marvel restarts the X-Men, the best thing that they can do is create something completely different than what Fox did. While Fox focused almost all its time on the ideas of inequality in its X-Men movies, there is so much more to explore.

Outside of the Fantastic Four, the one team in Marvel that explored space more than almost any other is the X-Men, and this is the time to bring in the Shi'ar Empire and the heroes from that unit.

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April 30, 2020 at 05:30AM

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