Harry Potter: The Worst Thing About Each Order Member, Ranked

The Order Of The Phoenix is a noble organization designed to fight back against the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort, and his team of devoted followers, the Death Eaters. The Order has existed in two forms: the first, during Voldemort’s original rise to power, and the second, put together following his return.

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They aren’t perfect, though. Each member has had done something we aren’t exactly happy with, so we’ve ranked the worst thing each member ever did.

10 Molly Weasley: Wouldn’t Let Harry Listen

Molly Weasley was basically Harry’s mother figure throughout the entire franchise. He didn’t have anyone else to care for him and knit him jumpers and cook him a big meal, so she took on the role.

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However, she took it a little far when she wouldn’t let him be a part of meetings between the Order Of The Phoenix. She should have let him be involved; he was the Chosen One after all.

9 Aberforth Dumbledore: Was A Bit Grumpy

We didn’t know Dumbledore had a brother until after his death, and for a while, Harry thought that some spiritual version of Albus himself was keeping up a line of communication with him via a mirror.

It turned out to be Aberforth, who was secretly helping the fight by communicating with the rebels inside Hogwarts. His only issue was that he was just a bit grumpy about the whole situation.

8 Arthur Weasley: Didn’t Trust Sirius

It’s hard to call him out for this one considering all of the proof was there to make him think otherwise, but as someone who knew Sirius back when the Order was young, Arthur Weasley should have been a little more aware that it was very unlikely that he would ever want to hurt Harry.

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He was obviously proven very wrong in the end and didn’t have any issue accepting Sirius into his home.

7 Sirius Black: Made Himself Look Really Suspicious

One of the stranger decisions Sirius made was keeping up his non-stop shadiness throughout pretty much the whole of The Prisoner Of Azkaban.

Considering he was innocent and he wanted everyone to know, you’d think the thing he’d do is attempt to clear his name, not break into Hogwarts and stand over Harry while he slept.

6 Remus Lupin: Didn’t Explain Anything To Harry

The same can be said for Remus Lupin. Cast your mind back to the scene in the shrieking shack. Lupin turns up and hugs Sirius, a man everyone in the room thinks is a murderer, and then very sinisterly says to Hermione “you really are the brightest witch of your age”.

It makes him look like he’s been working on the bad side this whole time. All he needs to do is give a bit of explanation and stop looking so shady and a lot of confusion would have been avoided.

5 James Potter: Bullied Snape Into Becoming A Death Eater

James Potter is billed as a man of huge sympathy throughout the series. He was hunted down and killed, alongside his wife, after being betrayed by their best friend.

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However, we eventually find out that James was no saint and that he bullied Snape so severely that it pretty much pushed him to become a Death Eater.

4 Severus Snape: Remained Pretty Evil

Speaking of Snape, no matter how much of a Death Eater he was at one point, the Snape we are all familiar with was a very clever triple agent. Working for Voldemort while pretending to work for Dumbledore while pretending to work for Voldemort.

However, even if his evilness was fake deep down, he still managed to be really rude and unprofessional in his treatment of Harry.

3 Mundungus Fletcher: Was A Massive Coward

A lot went wrong because of Mundungus.

He was a known thief, and while his criminality didn’t quite stretch to being a Death Eater, it was his cowardice that indirectly led to the death of Mad-Eye Moody.

2 Albus Dumbledore: Spoke In Riddles For Some Reason

The biggest issue with Albus Dumbledore was that, while obviously being a force for good and an incredibly powerful wizard, he made everything take about a million times longer than it should have and lives were lost as a result.

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Instead of giving Hermione a book to work stuff out with, maybe just tell her? And if he wanted to give Harry the resurrection stone, just tell him its inside the Snitch?

1 Peter Pettigrew: Betrayed Everyone

Obviously, the worst man to have ever been a part of the Order Of The Phoenix was Peter Pettigrew. He gave up James and Lily to Voldemort and allowed them to be killed, and was then the key factor in the resurrection of the Dark Lord.

He might have attempted to redeem himself eventually, but it was too little too late.

NEXT: Harry Potter: The 7 Most Admirable Slytherin Traits (& The 7 Worst)
April 29, 2020 at 05:30AM

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