Harry Potter: 10 People Ron Should Have Been With Other Than Hermione

Almost twenty years after the first Harry Potter movie came out, and over twenty years after the first book hit shelves, it's hard to imagine Ron Weasley with anyone other than Hermione Granger.

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For anyone who has seen or read Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, it's even more difficult, as it seems, no matter the timeline, Ron and Hermione were really meant to be together. But, despite author intentions, that doesn't mean there weren't other characters that Ron could have been with.

10 Lavender


Lavender Brown is the one romantic relationship (other than Hermione) fans see explored on the screen and on the page when it comes to Ron. She does come off as rather clingy and a little obsessive, but that's sort of the norm for a teenage girl obsessing over her first relationship. She genuinely did care about and like Ron. He wasn't Harry Potter, and she wasn't after him because of his fame, she wanted a boyfriend and she got one, and Ron certainly got something out of the relationship as well. One has to wonder how they might have matured together if given the change.

9 Fleur

Of course, all fans know, that Fleur Delacour ended up marrying Ron's eldest brother, Bill. Bill happens to be five years older than Fleur where Ron is only three years younger than she is. Even forgetting any age differences, Ron always had a thing for Fleur, and it might not have been all about her veela heritage. Let's recall that Fleur was a Triwizard Champion, a very attractive, but also a very capable witch (which Ron, obviously, always had a thing for). With Ron by her side, Fleur may have been able to spend a bit more time out in the world than shut up at Shell Cottage.

8 Harry

Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were best friends from the moment they met on the Hogwarts Express. They had interests in common, they were both Gryffindors, they supported one another, and even learned to forgive one another as well. They probably would have made the best pair possible. They did fight, but far less than Ron and Hermione did, and they certainly already considered one another family members. Add to that the fact that Ron's family approved of Harry from the beginning and it could have been a perfect match.

7 Katie Bell

Katie Bell was a Gryffindor Chaser, one year older than Harry, Ron, and Hermione. While Harry made the Quidditch team in his first year, Katie was already on the team by her second. She was also a member of Dumbledore's Army.

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With Ron's Quidditch obsession (even before joining the Gryffindor team himself) he and Katie would have had quite a bit in common, and those shared experiences would only have grown as the danger in their world grew around them.

6 Alicia Spinnet

Alicia Spinnet was another Gryffindor Chaser, two years older than Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She played Quidditch with Harry beginning in her third year, and was also friends with Fred and George. Again, with Ron's interest in Quidditch (he always had a favorite team, the Chudley Cannons) he could have gotten along very well with a fellow Quidditch player and fan. Ron could have used a relationship with someone older than himself to help him mature as well. Alicia, also, unlike fellow Chaser Angelina Johnson, never had a romantic attachment to any of his brothers.

5 Parvati Patil

Obviously, in the books and the movies, Ron ruins his chances with Parvati's sister Padma by treating her poorly at the Yule Ball, but he could have made a decent match with fellow Gryffindor Parvati. Aside from the fact that Parvati and her sister were supposedly the prettiest girls in their year, the fact that Parvati, like Ron, came from a family where sibling relationships were very close and very important, it could have drawn them together in a way that was far different than any other prospects.

4 Tonks

Despite the fact that Tonks ends up marrying Lupin, she was not that much older than Ron, having graduated from Hogwarts in the same year as his second eldest brother, Charlie. Tonks' sense of fun, as well as her loyalty, and dedication to the Order of the Phoenix, would have made her a great fit for Ron. She has a great interest in popular culture (the Weird Sisters band) and makes mistakes (it's not completely her fault that she's clumsy) and knows how to laugh about it.

3 Susan Bones

Susan Bones was a Hufflepuff in the same year as Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She could have made an excellent match for Ron, and could have helped to temper some of his anger and worst impulses.

RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Hufflepuffs Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Deserved More)

Susan was also a part of a prominent family in the Wizarding World (many of her relatives, like Ron's, worked at the Ministry of Magic). She had lost aunts, uncles, and cousins, during the first Wizarding War and would have been able to commiserate and help Ron through his own losses.

2 Viktor Krum

Krum, the Quidditch playing Bulgarian Seeker was clearly Ron's main man crush in the Harry Potter series. But why should it only be a man crush? Despite being angry that Krum went out with Hermione, he never did lose his love for the quidditch star (he still wanted his autograph after all). Ron was also used to balancing a very famous companion (after all his years with Harry) and that might have come in handy for Krum as well.

1 Himself

Like his brother Charlie, there’s no rule saying that Ron had to get married or end up with anyone. Ron was growing a lot as a person, particularly in the last book in the series. Perhaps he could have taken some more time to find and get comfortable with himself. Perhaps that's all Ron really needed, to accept himself for who he was and recognize he was all he really needed.

NEXT: Harry Potter: How Each Gryffindor is Supposed To Look
April 30, 2020 at 05:30AM

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