Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Virgin River: 10 Ways Jack & Mel Are Relationship Goals

Netflix's homey comfort show Virgin River is known for major cliffhangers and tense moments, and it ended its third season with a bang — a pregnancy, some bad news, and a proposal. After a sweetly romantic relationship in season 3 which involved cohabitation and learning about each other, Mel and Jack are facing choppy seas towards the end of it. Fans are greatly disappointed because the two are clearly meant for each other.

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Despite what may happen to the couple in the next season, Mel and Jack are inarguably a great match. They're that enviable couple which is so in sync that everybody wants a relationship just like theirs, and neither of the two Virgin River residents could possibly find a significant other as well-suited to each other as they are.

10 They Heal Each Other

The most wonderful thing about this relationship is that Mel and Jack work on supporting and healing each other. They both have realistic expectations, and know that as adults, they've been through their fair share of trauma and suffering. Jack consistently helps Mel in moving on from Mark's untimely death, and her desire to be a mother in a way that is fair to him too.

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Melinda, too, is always around to pick up the pieces when Jack crumbles — getting shot and having your house burnt down, especially with PTSD, is no small tragedy and Jack was able to cope well with both because Mel is at his side, making him feel better.

9 They're Young And Successful

It's easy to forget in the town's series of events that Mel and Jack are still in their prime years, extremely good-looking (unpopular opinion about Virgin River has it that Mel was too perfect), and pretty successful in their fields. Jack was a leader in the Marines, after which he built a new life and a new business in Virgin River which does well enough for him to be generous with money on occasion.

Mel is also a talented nurse practitioner who had a thriving career in Los Angeles, and she negotiated a decent package for herself in the little town too. Fans love to see two hard-working people who manage flourishing careers as well as a great relationship.

8 They Don't Hold Grudges

Resentment and anger are two things that have never figured in this partnership, which is what makes it so great. A high level of compassion and maturity in both Mel and Jack makes sure that they always forgive each other genuinely, shortly after the other has transgressed.

Mel is quick to forgive and forget each time Jack hides something from her, whether it is his short-lived marriage to Mandy or Charmaine's pregnancy. Jack, too, understands why Mel ran away to LA in season 1, and their relationship does as well as it does because they can move past the trivial things and focus on each other.

7 They Have Each Other's Back

Jack and Mel's partnership is a solid one, and they always put up a united front while doing the actual work behind the scenes. Mel went and spoke to Brady about Calvin's drug business which had been bothering Jack for a while, and even sat and heard Jack complain about Charmaine, Todd, and the custody of his babies, all while helping Brie out through a tough time.

Jack has always been in Mel's corner since she stepped into a dilapidated McCrea cabin, renovating it for her completely. He helped her through countless medical emergencies and tried to protect her from her vicious sister-in-law too. They showed up for each other even when no one was watching.

6 They Know How To Have Fun

This couple is well-liked because of their effortless chemistry and magnetism. Apart from being good to each other, they knew how to have a good time which was evident from their first interaction with each other at the bar.

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Be it an egg race, Lumberjack Games which included treetop sprints, or their early morning hikes to beautiful riverfronts, both Jack and Mel never let things get boring. The spark between them stayed alive because they were willing to try new things just for the sake of laughter and enjoyment, and their witty repartee with one another was fun to watch for fans too.

5 They're Honest With Each Other

Unlike many relationships that are troubled by lies and secrets, Jack and Mel keep theirs refreshingly honest. Even if they hid anything from each other, it wasn't for too long. Each one's needs are stated clearly, and there are no massive sacrifices made for one at the cost of the other's morals or beliefs.

Whether it is Mel's desire for babies, Jack's inability to juggle so many kids, or even just Jack's loud snoring — both of them discuss what they can do for the other candidly, and what could change to better a bad situation, but they don't make themselves small to accommodate the other and that was something worth rooting for.

4 Their Relationship Is Healthy

Mel and Jack have a fair partnership, without cattiness or unnecessary drama. It's hard to put a finger on what made them crack the formula to a non-toxic and robust relationship, but it could be because they both had less than satisfactory relationships previously, and are committed to building a long-term and healthy one this time around.

Melinda is incredibly generous and unfailingly kind, and Jack is helpful to everyone, and perhaps it is this pairing of innately good individuals and the best characters on Virgin River that makes them work so well together. Neither of the two jumps to conclusions when they find something out about the other, and are willing to communicate like adults.

3 They Take The Effort To Surprise Each Other

It is always heartwarming to see what Jack plans for Mel when she returns after a long day of attending to patients, and he never fails to surprise. Jack goes out of his way to draw bubble baths, arrange a romantic candle-lit boat ride, and gives Mel dreamy outdoor dinners to make her happy.

Mel, too, does all the little town things that Jack loves so he feels special. As a former big city resident, playing games at town carnivals and fairs doesn't come naturally to her, but she always follows through to keep the laughter alive in their relationship.

2 They Do Their Bit For Virgin River

In a community as tight-knit as Virgin River, a couple that was too self-involved would stick out like a sore thumb. By virtue of being a nurse, Mel already does a lot for the townspeople, but she did an extra bit by helping those on the outskirts with their pregnancies, giving Lilly the extra support she needed after her cancer diagnosis, and checking in on Doc and Charmaine when they weren't feeling good.

Jack too helped Hope, arguably one of the least likable characters on Virgin River, with whatever the town needed in terms of catering, volunteering, and even emotional support for vulnerable residents. When storms knocked the power out, Jack's Bar was a place for refuge and comfort for everyone. The kind-heartedness of the couple makes them very respected and loved in Virgin River.

1 They Really Love Each Other

For diehard romantics, watching Mel and Jack is a delight because the couple are so deeply in love with each other. They managed to get past terribly difficult hurdles like Charmaine's pregnancy with Jack's kids, Mel's grief for her dead husband, her unresolved want for children, Jack's PTSD, and countless other to be with each other.

The odds were very clearly stacked against them, and many people like Preacher even told Jack to accept that the situation with Mel was too complicated and move on, but the two fought for their love and created a partnership which is absolutely wonderful and supportive.

NEXT: Why Hope and Doc are the Best Couple In Virgin River (& 5 Reasons Mel and Jack Are Better)
August 18, 2021 at 12:00AM



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