Sunday, August 15, 2021

The MCU Finally Remembered The Tesseract’s Most Impressive Power

Marvel's What If...? finally remembered the most important power of the Tesseract in the MCU, not seen since The Avengers. The animated series, which hit Disney+ first in August 2021, gives Marvel Cinematic Universe fans a chance to see the multiverse in effect. Coming after the events of Loki where Sylvie killed He Who Remains and essentially destroyed the Sacred Timeline, resulting in endlessly branching timelines creating a multiverse containing uncountable variations on the events seen so far in the MCU.

What If...? episode 1 covers the events of Captain America: The First Avenger closely, but poses the question, "What If... Captain Carter Were The First Avenger?" The episode sees Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) be administered the Super-Soldier Serum created by Abraham Erskine (Stanley Tucci) instead of Steve Rogers (Josh Keaton), and she goes on to battle Nazis and Hydra across Europe. Rogers has an important role, too, becoming a proxy for Iron Man, donning Tesseract-powered armor called the Hydra Stomper similar to Tony Stark's Mark I, but designed by his father, Howard (Dominic Cooper), instead.

Related: Captain Carter Vs Captain Britain: What The MCU Changed

The Tesseract is the crystalline cube that contains the Space Infinity Stone, and the episode sees Johann Schmidt/Red Skull (Ross Marquand) steal the item as he did in The First Avenger. The episode makes a major change, though, with Red Skull losing the Tesseract to Carter, which enables Stark to create the Hydra Stomper. Red Skull ends up setting a trap for Rogers in the suit to recover the Tesseract, and then uses it in a way not seen since The Avengers – to open a portal to bring dangerous creatures into the present.

This is one of the Tesseract's most impressive powers, and Red Skull uses it to quick effect, summoning the tentacled monster Shuma Gorath through a portal into the present of World War 2. While the Space Stone has had many uses – including by Odin to repair Asgard's Rainbow Bridge, by Mar-Vell to create a Light-Speed Engine, and thus Captain Marvel – it is rarely used for the use described in its name. Loki has twice created portals using the Tesseract, once in The Avengers to allow for the Chitauri invasion of New York, and once in The Avengers: Endgame to escape the custody of S.H.I.E.L.D. and What If...? allows for Red Skull to once again use this power, its most impressive, to summon powerful creatures to fight for him, a much easier task than creating villains or henchmen – though this backfired on Red Skull, giving him a true death this time around.

It appears that What If...? has also imbued the Tesseract with another power: time travel. When Captain Carter faces Shuma Gorath and forces it back through the portal, being pulled in alongside it, she is transported around 70 years into the future, an unseen power of the Tesseract that makes its portal-creating ability even more powerful. What's clear is that Marvel's What If...? TV show can explore a range of aspects of stories such as The Avengers and Captain America from different angles, and even reveal new powers for artifacts like the Infinity Stones, which are clearly still an important part of the MCU.

Next: Marvel Just Made 5 Other Secret Changes To The MCU Timeline

New episodes of What if...? land on Disney+ every Wednesday.
August 15, 2021 at 12:34AM



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