Monday, August 9, 2021

Captain Marvel 2 Reusing Scrapped Villain Concept Can Improve Her Enemies

Marvel Studios can improve Captain Marvel's villains for The Marvels by reusing scrapped concept art from the first movie. Brie Larson made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut as Carol Danvers in 2019's Captain Marvel. The movie was a huge box office hit, earning more than $1.1 billion worldwide, and earned mostly positive reviews from critics and general audiences. This led to the development of a Captain Marvel 2, officially titled The Marvels. Details on the movie are being well guarded, including who the movie's villain will be.

Even though the original Captain Marvel was generally well-received, one of the film's issues that could be improved upon in the sequel is its villains. Captain Marvel is such a powerful character that it became difficult for the movie to find a villain that could really stand up to her. The third act saw her fly through Kree warships with ease and take down Yon-Rogg (Jude Law) without even a fight. Carol's power levels have only increased after Avengers: Endgame too. It is rumored that Zawe Ashton will play The Marvels' villain, with theories running wild about her being a Skrull queen or the villain Moonstone. But if Marvel Studios really wants to increase the threat Carol faces next, they should look at unused concept art from the first film.

Related: Captain Marvel 2's New Title Could Sideline Carol Danvers Too Much

Each MCU movie goes through a long development cycle that gives Marvel Studios and the writers and directors of the movies proper time to imagine what could be. It is during this stage that various ideas and concepts are suggested, with the best ideas traditionally winning out. During the development of Captain Marvel, there was an idea to give the Kree more formidable weapons against Carol Danvers. Captain Marvel concept art shows Carol fighting two Kree Sentries on Earth and an army of them in space. Carol never fights the Kree in this fashion, but the Kree are poised to return in the sequel. Marvel Studios may have opted against using a Kree Sentry or two during the first film, but reusing it for The Marvels would be a smart decision.

If Marvel Studios does decide to use the Kree Sentries in The Marvels, it would be an excellent way to increase the threat level of the Kree. Carol Danvers has already proven to be more powerful than even some of the best Kree fighters. The Kree Sentries have the ability to increase their own strength to match whatever opponent they are facing, as they were initially designed as protectors of Kree military outposts. Captain Marvel has already presented Marvel Studios with the difficult problem of finding a threat that can challenge her, so an army of robots that can increase their own strength to match hers would be one possible solution. And since Captain Marvel ended with Carol sending Yon-Rogg back to the Kree's homeworld with a warning that she'll take them down, the Kree Sentries could even be created with the sole purpose of protecting the alien race from her.

The introduction of Kree Sentries would also give Marvel Studios some much-needed resistance in a superhero-packed film. Not only does The Marvels feature Carol Danvers' MCU return, but it will also include Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel and a grown-up super-powered Monica Rambeau. These three incredibly powerful heroes (plus whoever else might appear) will need a massive foe standing on the opposite side. While Ashton's mysterious villain could be part of that answer, Kree Sentries can be another piece of the puzzle. Their roles could even be somewhat smaller than what was proposed earlier, as they could be the "cannon-fodder" villains Kamala and Monica fight while Carol handles The Marvels' big bad.

MORE: Why Captain Marvel 2 Could Have A Fourth "Marvel" Hero
August 09, 2021 at 12:20AM



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