Saturday, February 6, 2021

SEAL Team: Main Characters, Ranked By Likability | ScreenRant

Action is the best way to describe every single episode of SEAL Team. To break it down for all the gamers out there, imagine a live version of Call of Duty. That's exactly what SEAL Team is; elite soldiers fighting terrorist insurgents while protecting their country. But, what sets it apart from the video game is the characters in the TV show.

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Jason has to be mentally strong, Clay is next to take the mantle, and guys like Ray and Sonny play their positions to a tee—but the ladies are no pushovers either. Lisa is headstrong but capable, Mandy was a force, while Stella and Niama continue to hold the homefront down.

10 Natalie Pierce

Natalie was introduced as the shrink. The guys deal with a heavy load in the field and still must lead a somewhat normal life of it. For that to be possible, they will need to find a way to unwind. Natalie is the newest character on SEAL Team, but her presence has been felt the entire third season.

Now in an on/off relationship with Jason, Natalie is trying to find her footing with a man known to shut people out. She's strong-willed but even the good ones like Natalie have their breaking points.

9 Stella Baxter

Was Stella suppose to make it this far? Her character is unlike the other women on the show and for a stretch, her appearance made perfect sense. Clay was the know-it-all kid, but Stella came along and Clay lost focus for a while. But, unlike Naima, Stella wasn't comfortable just waiting around.

She had plans of her own, and, when they didn't line up with Clay's, Stella took the easy way out. Stella is sort of like Pepper Potts; she's by Tony's side, but it's never smooth sailing, and we don't know if she and Clay be able to work out their differences?

8 Eric Blackburn

Eric is the eyes and ears for the team on the ground. He provides the missions, but he also makes sure the team is as safe as can be under his watch. When Eric says go, they go. But, with that power and responsibility, Eric often finds himself fighting off the wolves. He and Jason see eye-to-eye on most things, but, when Jason wants to do something crazy, it's normally Eric there to talk him down off the ledge.

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While his demeanor is rugged and strong, Eric is still one of the guys at the end of the day. He's another character who doesn't get enough screentime away from the Operations Room.

7 Mandy Ellis

If you need to broker a meeting, Mandy is the person to do that. She knows everyone and has a keen sense of how to approach and deal with any target. Mandy is intelligent, but she seems to get in her own way at times. Her importance to the team cannot go unnoticed, and her absence cannot be ignored, either.

There wasn't much of Mandy outside of missions. While she and Jason flirted throughout the seasons, it resulted in just one moment together before she decided to hang it up. Her characters' arc was short and direct, but, for viewers, they expected more from such a strong female character.

6 Jason Hayes

Jason is the leader, and what he says goes. Not too many will sit and challenge Jason's commands. He's more than earned his rights to lead Team Bravo. If there is an issue with Jason, it's his inability to know when his time is winding time, and, for that, he often appears to be self-absorbed and dictitorial.

Jason has been through tons of trials outside of Team Bravo. He lost his wife, his kids are pretty much absent from the show, and his new love interest comes and goes. Jason, much like Captain America did, needs to hit the reset button on his life.

5 Ray Perry

Jason is the leader, Clay is next in line, but Ray Perry is the backbone of Team Bravo. Without him, Jason may go off the rails more than he already does. Ray is the family man who keeps the team grounded by his actions and words, but in no way is Ray perfect.

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Looking for a way to make sure he makes it home to his family, Ray took the role of Warrant Officer. Things didn't go his way on his first mission out, and Ray may be thinking of rejoining the team. He's well-grounded with his family, his work, and his faith.

4 Lisa Davis

Lisa is the ultimate team player on SEAL Team. Her role is to make sure they get the right info, correct targets, and make it home safely. Every mission depends on her expertise, and a single miscalculation from her could prove to be fatal. Although she's in the Operations Room, Lisa is no pushover; she's one of the guys.

Her personal life is a bit of a train wreck. She's still trying to mend fences with her family and deal with the fallout from her secret relationship with Sonny. Lisa is a character who definitely needs more screentime. Every good team needs that one great friend.

3 Sonny Quinn

Sonny is the loose cannon on Team Bravo. He jokes, complains, and drinks a ton, but Sonny keeps everyone loose. He has a nickname for everyone on the team, and his bond with Clay is one of the best bromances on TV. Sonny backs down from no one—well, maybe just Lisa Davis, but, other than that, he's solid.

Sonny carries as much baggage as everyone, but this stems from his strained relationship with his father and hometown. He also has the tendency to let off steam by attacking his team verbally. Sonny usually apologizes afterward, but the damage isn't always mended.

2 Clay Spenser

Clay entered the scene as the hotshot kid looking to make his presence felt. He's smart and he knows it. Team Bravo didn't take to him at first, but Clay has proven countless times that he's willing to do whatever the team needs. By design of the writers, his life mirrors Jason more than anyone else's. Clay plays the sidekick role of Sam to Captain America.

Clay thought he wanted more outside of Team Bravo and being in the field, but being away showed him how much he missed it. Clay has no problem going against the grain, and, for that, he often finds himself in loads of trouble.

1 Naima Perry

Naima is just as important to SEAL Team as any of the guys on this list. While she's not in the field risking her life for the team and country, Naima is the wife that every member respects. She holds the fort down while her husband does his duty. Naima is mentally strong.

As tough as Ray is, it's Naima who often sets him and Jason straight when they get out of line. While the other guys are either having one night stands or can't hold a sold relationship down, Naima is the bar in which the girlfriends are trying to reach.

NEXT: The 10 Best Episodes Of SEAL Team, According To IMDb
February 06, 2021 at 06:30AM



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