Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Captain Marvel Proves She Should Have Been an Original Avenger

Nowadays, Captain Marvel is a mainstay of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, popping up in everything from cartoons to video games featuring the Avengers. However, the Captain Marvel most fans are familiar with didn’t actually exist until 2012, when Carol Danvers - formerly known as Ms. Marvel in the comics - took up the mantle of Captain Marvel after the death of the original Captain Marve, an alien man who was literally named Mar-Vell. Since then, Carol has really made the role her own, and fits into the team so seamlessly that it seems like she’s been there forever. In fact, the first issue of a new Marvel comic series shows how incomplete the team would be without her.

Related: The Difference Between Captain Marvel and Ms. Marvel Explained

Avengers: Mech Strike #1 by Jed MacKay pits Marvel’s most popular hero team against massive, bio-mechanical creatures that are wreaking havoc on the city of Cleveland. Before the team members each get an Iron Man upgrade in the form of a vibranium mech-suit, the heroes first try to ascertain exactly what it is they’re fighting, and they each rule out their area of expertise. “I’ve not seen its like in all the ten realms,” Thor says, to which Iron Man replies, “It doesn’t look like anything from the evil super-genius set either.” Meanwhile, Carol chimes in and says, “it doesn’t look like any extrasolar creature I know of.” They may not succeed in identifying the creature, but the fact Thor, Tony, and Carol can effectively cover three radically different areas shows what vital addition she was to the team.

Given how many of their enemies come from outer space, it’s surprising that the Avengers didn’t have a cosmic-oriented hero from the start, but either way, Captain Marvel fills the role perfectly. With her covering the cosmic angle, Thor covering magic, and Iron Man covering technology, the team essentially has all its bases taken care of. Add in Spider-Man for his expertise on the street level and Black Widow, Marvel's greatest secret agent, for anything espionage-related, and it seems like the Avengers have at least one member equipped to deal with virtually any potential problem.

With Captain Marvel’s character only growing in popularity thanks to the movies, it seems likely that she’ll continue to be a prominent team member going forward. Considering she may just be the strongest Avenger in Marvel's Universe, that's probably a good thing.

More: Captain Marvel Reveals Why She'll Always Beat Thor

February 09, 2021 at 06:20AM



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